
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Vietnam War on HD - A Gripping Shameful US HIstory

Of my 1000 + channels, I only watch the following channels on a regular basis: Fox News - for my daily news intake; the CSPAN - (18 and 128) - to keep me up with the current political issues in America... these two channels bring to American homes debates in Congress, and yes I also like NATGEO - only a few segments such as the "Border War" and "Locked Up Abroad". I sometimes watched the Animal Planet channel when I am bored. Umm, and off course the Spike channel for weekend Ultimate Fighting Championship. I would turn to the History Channel when nothing else excites me, but I noticed that they talk more - in my view - about NAZI and WW II. Why? I sometimes I asked myself. This is not the only war America fought. There was the Korean War, and then the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the current "War Against Terror".
Tonight, a new Vietnam War documentary got my attention. I was really moved by it!

The Vietnam War on HD
The Vietnam war is a war that the American public and politicians refused to go back to for a number of reasons, but paramount of which was the nasty treatments brave American soldiers endured upon returning home from a war they fought without a clear objective. It was a war American politicians and Left-wing Liberals exploited for their own political gains. They exploited the nastiness of the Vietnam war for their own ends, forgetting the very innocent people who were fight for their survival; young men of all ethnic backgrounds who were fighting in the jungle by the order of their government.
Look at John Kerry, Viet veteran now a Senator; he was one of those young leaders who lead the effort to stop the war, calling brave soldiers - murderers, and a man who ran for the White House in 2004 and arrogantly brandishing his Vietnam record only to face a number of angry Vietnam veterans he betrayed. He had to face his own past, and the fact that he himself tossed his medals in protest of the war. These opportunists exploited the Vietnam war - not in the interest of those dying in the battle fields - but their own political and future ambitions.
These Left wing radicals didn't only protested US political leaders but also those who risked their lives to defend their country - at least they believed in what they did!

Off course, many people refused to go back and examine the way the American government handled the war and how the government sent American young people - many of whom were college students - through a "draft" to fight someone else's war.

This documentary would move you to tears like it did me. Soldiers who were sent there through "government order" - or the so-called draft were sent to keep a particular government policy intact - the "Containment Policy". These men had no one to depend on but themselves. Some were killed trying to rescue their friends, others refused to retreat because there were wounded soldiers whose lives depended on them, and others fought really hard and brave because they wanted to see their love ones back home. However, they returned home only to be spat on and ridiculed; they called these brave soldiers murderers etc. This is a history that demonstrated just how arrogant and vicious the Left-wing radicals of this country can be!

The lack of emphasis on the Vietnam war in the American education system is, in my view, seemed to be an attempt to suppress the horror and the scars the US government bore since entering this war through controversial means, and exiting after losing tens of thousands soldiers. They simply don't want to talk about it!

To many who fought hard by government's order, and never got the praise from the American people, the country owes you an apology. These men and women not only lost their friends, their families, but they also their country, and their fellow countrymen - those damn stupid hippies!

This documentary deserves awards and those - like the two brave men who cried while talking about returning home with pride only to be trashed at the airport and constantly harassed and ridiculed - should receive awards for their service and from the government that threw them in the jungle in the first place. And to those who live through the Vietnam-war error and who joined the effort to undermine the war efforts; like the ones occupying Walstreet in New York, you these brave men a HUGE APOLOGY!

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