
Friday, September 30, 2011

Crazy Americans the Reasons Why USA is Vulnerable!

Some Americans lawmakers and civil liberty groups are the reason why America is extremely vulnerable. Look at the hijackers of 9/11, most of them entered USA with visas that were incomplete (esp. Mohammed Ata). Their application would have to go through the embassy and reviewed by officials and the Ambassador before approval. Yet they were allowed to enter America, and were allowed to attend US schools.
At the airports before boarding the planes that were later crashed into American buildings, they were constantly stopped by TSA after alarms went off, but each time TSA let them go for perhaps fear of being labeled racism or engaging in some sort of racial profiling. We all know what the alarms were screaming at; the weapons they used inside those planes. We all know the end of this story; these men brought down the Twin Towers - the icons of US prosperity and economic power.
I remember watching the testimonies of the former Attorney General John Ashcroft before one of the committees investigating 9/11, and just marveled at how arrogant some lawmakers on the left are when it comes to "homeland security". In that testimony, the AG recounted the activities of the hijackers of 9/11 through the eyes of the special agent the followed them around US. The AG recalled the agent watching Ata and reading his every move and knew that he was up to something really bad. The AG recalled the agent making urgent request to arrest the would-be hijackers and each time he was turned down because of some legal issues the AG described as "THE WALL." An imaginary wall created by politicians by way of the legislative process that prohibit intel-agencies from sharing information.
After 9/11, American politicians quickly reacted and waged two wars that lasted for more than ten years, overshadowing the fact they were the reasons why these hijackers got away with murder.
Years gone by and the memory of the horror of 9/11 gradually diminished and here they are, the US politicians and leftist civil liberty groups, once again zooming back to the pre-9/11 mentality, evident by the amount of criticism that the US government, the president, and the advocate of the eradication of terrorists, received after the killing of US top wanted terrorist, US citzen Anwar al Awlaki. Their main argument is that this terrorist was an American citizen who should have been tried for their crimes. This is the prevailing mentality that is ripe in the Left and throughout the country. To them, no one is a terrorist; everyone is a criminal and subjected to the rule of law.
We all know politicians are opportunists. Liberal politicians, esp., don't don't support the killing of terrorists because these they are somewhat political chips that they can use to bargain for important things. They know very well that the notion that America doesn't kill its own citizen is a huge lie. US law-enforcements across the country gunned down more Americans than those killed by terrorists combined. These law-enforcement officers often kill those who robbed banks and refused to surrender and those who are dimmed extremely dangerous to the public, some are shot more times than necessary and the killers walked away because their acts by law are justified by the actions of the victims. At no time did politicians come out screaming that innocent Americans are being slaughtered by their fellow country men and women.
In one case, two heavily armed men robbed a bank in CA but were quickly surrounded by armed cops. These two men fought their way out and were finally overpowered by police officers. The "take-no-prisoners" attitude of American law-enforcement, is an example of why Americans who hurt Americans don't deserved civil treatments. This man al Awlaki, however, posed a tremendous threat to America - threats that are massive in scale and had more far-reaching effects. He could be tried for treason for fighting against his own country in foreign lands. Remember this, the US president is the commander of the US Armed Forces and this man had been fighting against the president by planning attacks on US targets, inspired his drones who massacred dozens of innocent people back here in US, and constantly planning attacks against America. He had dedicated his own life to hurting Americans, preaching against America in mosques and inspired a number of failed hijacking. He is in many ways the enemy of the state and didn't deserve the due course of the law. When you fight against your country in foreign lands, the FBI and law-enforcement officers can't come after you so the Military has all the power to take you out. In my views, they have a the reasons in the world to kill terrorists and their supports and even governments that harbors them.
He is more dangerous than an armed bankrobbers confronting police officers with a small handgun. And if the civil societies think that those robbing banks deserved to be shot if resisted, then they should accept the fact that the crimes Awlaki committed against his country justified his killing.
AND STOP SUPPORTING the enemies of this country; domestic and foreign.

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