
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tough Years Ahead for America

Tough years to be in America, but thank God, the Republicans won the House of Representatives. I only hope, with every ounce of my being, that these Republicans don't screw up the country like they did in the past eight years of Bush's administration.
One of the reasons, in my view, why polls showed Americans are more conservative in their view on government, is because this country was founded basically on the notion that all humans should be given the rights and freedom to work and earn a living as opposed to authoritarianism in Europe. That idea-that basic philosophy can only be found in Conservatism, which discourages massive government expansion while encouraging smaller government and lower taxes for the people. These are the issues so important to the American people, not how popular a president should be.
This administration had done more harm to American average families, middle-class families, than any government since FDR. It is because America is being radically altered by President Barrack Obama despite that fact that majority of American opposed to his socialistic ideologies. Many people criticized Conservatives for calling President Obama out on variety of issues and in all, they didn't what to be called "socialists" or the President a Marxist Socialist. Yet, only those who lived in society controlled entirely, or in most part, by the government, understand what this really means. It was Obama who said to a business man that Americans need to "distribute" their wealth. Distribution of goods and services not according to who worked to earn them, but but according to the desires of government, is the trademark of Socialism.
Is Obama a socialist? He is. Even the Socialist leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, a year back at the UN General Assembly, calling President Obama the most socialist president he ever seen and even saying that Obama needs to go to their side. According to Chavez, Obama is on the wrong side. He probably wants Obama to be on the side of "authoritarianism and dictatorship". Why do Liberal Democrats hate, with passion, the term socialism? Because socialism equates "dictatorship" and that characterization, to them, must be avoided at all costs.
Besides, President Obama failed miserably to focus on the two most important issues that he ran on in 2008:
1. Jobs
2. the economy.
Instead, he decided, just as any socialist leader would do, to focus on issues that serve only his cronies. He had taken over major private corporations and programs such as Student Loans program, and Healthcare than any US president in history.
The President of the people is one that doesn't care how unpopular he/she is amongst his fellow party members or comrades. He needs to listen to the people and rule according to the wishes of the people, not lobbyists, not party members, not special interests but those of the electorates. In fact, Obama is completely the opposite. Majority of Americans voted for him based basically on his promises of fixing the economy and ending the war. He promised to fix the economy and "change" the country from George Bush's policies, which upset many Americans. Never in their imagination did they ever thought they elected someone that would transform the face of the Country from what it is to what he envisioned. A total collapse of capitalism!
Just recently, he, with the Senate, ratify the START treaty, which has nothing to do with the economy. His vision of turning this planet into a nuclear free planet is extremely presumptuous. I will write about this later, but his focus should be on JOBS and the ECONOMY.
The best thing ever happened last November was the election of Conservative Representatives and Senators. Majority of Democrats who supported President Obama's socialist agendas never made it back to Washington, DC. In fact, the Super majority of the Democrat party in the House of Representatives had been decimated thanks to their refusal to listen to the American people. They lost their election because Americans didn't like to see their country taken over by bunch of wackos who think that shoving down legislation after legislation without consulting their constituents, is funny! The votes to install a new House of Representative is crucial because this is the House that deals with the money.
The new House of Representatives promises to undo many programs that President Obama installed that are harmful to this nation. Since Obama took office, unemployment rose to 10% (rounding off) and debts rose $13 million USD. It will take a vigorous work to undo the damage, and maybe taking years to restore confidence in the economy and private sector and hope this time Politicians in DC do the right thing.
It make take a while.

My view on President George W. Bush will be posted soon!!

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