
Saturday, January 8, 2011

New US Congress to Tackle Major Issues

The best thing ever happened last year, November, in the US Congress was the toppling of the Socialist agenda of the Democrat House of Representative and the disabling of the Filibuster proof Senate by angry voters. Leading up to this very important year, the Republican Conservatives and some Conservative Liberals have fought a tough fight to undo some troubling issues facing the Obama Administrations and won by way of popular vote.
The House Democrats got their butts whupped for playing with tax-payers money and for failing to listen to the desires of voters. In other words, the only power the voters have in the whole process is the power to unseat Members of Congress when their voices are ignored at the polls.
In the Senate, Democrat candidates were not only distancing themselves from the Socialist administration of Obama, but were vowing to support any efforts to undo them and returning the Constitution to its rightful place in the US political system. Those who ran on the Obama's socialist agenda were thrown out of office by voter. Some to extreme measures to get elected by promising not to support any more legislation that would harm the US and the local economy. The most popular governor of the State of West Virginia did exactly that. During the campaign weeks, he was trailing his Conservative Republican opponent. West Virginians openly criticizing him of his support of Obama and his unpopular bailout of major banks and corporations. Just before before the election, his made a video commercial in which he put a huge flier of Obama Cap-and-Trade bill and shot it with shot gun and promised West Virginians he would not support any legislation that would hurt his state. He won.

Healthcare and Cap-and-Trade
When Obama was a State senator, he was openly supportive of a "single payer system" and vow to punish health insurance companies if he had the opportunity (paraphrase). When he ran for the Senate, he made similar promises to his Labor cronies and like minded Washington elites. When he entered the White House, one of his first priorities was the complete overhaul of the Healthcare industry that made America the most advanced and most competitive care system in the entire world.
However, those who supported the Obamacare met staunch resistance from both Democrats and Conservatives because of threat to their benefits and care providers . Surprisingly, the Obama, Pelosi, and Reid's reply was "shove your anger up yours", which in many ways contribute to their huge lose last election.
Another thing that got Americans angry leading up to last year's election was the idea of purchasing credits from countries developing countries which would result in the lose of millions of jobs in America. Under heavy lobbying from third world country's representatives, Obama and the Democrats proposed a trade in which third world countries who have no laws to protect their own environments, would have get paid in order to further pollute the environment. The sophistication of the wordings or languages of the bill were such that the average people thought it would help the US economy and the environment when the truth was exactly the opposite. Many Democrats voted against it and those who supported that job killing legislation didn't want to be part of it during the campaign to save their jobs as Congressmen/women. They knew that such legislation would be like a hurricane against privately owned factories because they would have to give money away by force in order to satisfy the status quo.
This year, the Conservative Republicans are on the march to undo Obama care and the Cap-and-Trade legislation.

Terrorism, Cronyism, and Favoritism
Another biggest relieve in Conservative victory in the House and the destruction of the Obama Senate Filibuster proof is the investigation as to how the US Congress got to where it is today. Whether such investigation warranting impeachment or not, it is important to get to the bottom of it all.
On Terrorism, the Congress should investigate just exactly how the Obama administration handled the war they blamed on George W. Bush. In this investigation, the Congress would focus basically on how the Obama administration handled the GITMO issue and why the Executive Order to close GITMO was done and forgotten a few months later and to this date still operational. In this same investigation, the prosecution of wanted terrorists and those who were behind the idea of trying them in civilian courts should also focus on who lobbied for such radical move. It is also important that this Congress investigated just exactly how Black Panthers' case of voter intimidation got thrown out by the Obama DOJ.
Part of this terrorism investigation should be focused on how a Private First Class (PFC) in the Army was able to transmit highly classified documents to the cyber terrorist Julian Assange. And why this administration seemingly reluctant to pursue him back in 2009 when he started releasing important documents.

Looking forward to a new Congress and see how it will change this nation!

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