
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Democratic party is Socialist Party with a little Twist!

Tonight, I switched from Channel to Channel hoping that a left-leaning network channel would cover the Health care negotiation between the House of Representative and the Senate as the Health care Bill goes to conference. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one single channel covering this deliberation of the most important piece of legislation since President Barrack Hussein Obama became president. My last option was CSPAN whom President Obama promised to use as a tool to bridge the gap between voters and the Capitol hill. Unfortunately, the CSPAN was covering something else. Switching back to Fox was rather stunning as the channel aired a complain by the CSPAN's founder that they were shutout of Senate-House conference. But why would the President and his party turn its back on so-called transparency? Where is the Internet and the TV that the President promised to utilize in order to keep the people informed of important legislation? Take a look at what President Obama was saying in the campaign trail:

Transparency? Where is the website? Where are the TV networks when the Democrats negotiated behind closed door! Holy heavens, this is the United States of America, not the old Soviet where legislation that affected the very core of the the people were done in ultimate secrecy!

The House who Represent Idiots, not the People!
Just before New Year, the Democrat Party in both the House and the Senate scrambled to produce a Health care bill before 2010. The only problem, however, was the lack of cooperation between Democrats regarding the terms and conditions of the Health care bill! But why is the Democrat Party splits over this Health care bill if its soo important to the people? It is because of one simple element, the government run Health care system, codename...."public option!" The most socialized system in all humanity!
Obviously, not all Democrats were comfortable with it as it is designed in a way that, if passed, will push private Health-Insurance companies out of the window and have companies and individuals pay their health-insurance from none other than the government! A concept that the US people didn't like, and one that associated with so-called socialism with the blueprint of Communism! If this bill is passed, it will be the first time in the history of this country for the government to regulate every single private life of American citizens. There is a clause in this bill that authorizes the government to throw those who refused to buy Insurance policy from the government, in Jail. This is indeed undemocratic!
Amazingly, the bill was re-written by the Democrats with Republicans shut-out! and the promise of Transparency was no where to be found. The bill was not available to be read and scrutinized as promised by this government! But somehow, all Democrats supported it in both houses. What happened behind closed doors is something that will leave all critics forever dumbfounded. It is simply unbelievable.

Oh really? So it is about the American people now right? What happened to the promise that the bill would be out there for people to read 72 hrs (3 days) before the debating/voting process? How can this bill a reflective of people's desire when they weren't allowed to see, much less read it it before it went to the floor for debate? She lied between her teeth! The bill, which was written without any bi-partisan support, went to the floor and passed with only one Republican who represented a District infested with Liberals, voted to support it. President Obama called and congratulating the House Democrat camp for passing the bill! But if applying his promise of transparency, he should have called and complained about the lack of transparency in his own party! This is Pelosi bragging about the support of President Obama.

The Senate: Runs by violators of People's democratic right to Know!
The Senate needed to pass its own Health care bill but had a serious problem, similar to the House's own crap. Not all Democrats supported this bill. Interestingly, the Majority Leader of the Senate, Sen. Harry Reid, resorted to the only thing the Democrats know; closing the doors to the public and wrote the entire bill with no Bi-partisan support! Like the house, the bill didn't go before the public until it was brought to the floor for debate. Where were they when President Obama promised Transparency? They surrounded him, they cheered for that, and every other bull-crap that came out of President Obama's mouth.
The gang of Democrats who called themselves the "Blue-dogs" was the only hope of preserving Democracy and the rights of individuals to buy their own Health insurance. They refused to support this bill until days before the end of the year! They went back to be Democrap! The Democrats unanimously voted to support whole Health care bill. Was there something more sinister went on without the knowledge of the American people? Off-course! The Democratic leader decided to bribe the blue-dogs with hundreds of billions of dollars in order to support the bill. That is pure-corruption concocted by Sen. Reid and his gang in order to pass this bill. One case in particular stood out in which this Senator didn't accept the offer until it was $300 million dollars.

So much for transparency!

Worthless Conference

This conference that is done behind closed doors as I am writing, is to reconcile the House and Senate Health care bills. The two bills have distinct differences. For instance, the House have the Public Option (government controlled health care) while the Senate doesn't have that--it was removed after many Democrats Senators expressed concerns over a possible blacklash. It will be interesting to know what this Conference will produce.

Democrat Party is always a Party that claims to fight on behalf of the poor people (middle-class), but recently its political strategies bear the very characteristics of Socialism! The President himself and his views are anti-capitalism! It is not surprising that the ones leading this administration from the president himself to the Secretary of State and majority of the President's appointed Czars have, at one point, supported socialism philosophy and concepts! And not only that, they associated with the socialist, anti-Americans, and pro-communist, radicals who are all out there, and those who attempted to overthrow America int he 1960s such as the Weather-underground who bombed New York and Washington DC, and whose house did President Obama announced his run for the Illinois State Senate.

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: (Revelation 2:1)

God have mercy on our souls!

God bless America!

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