
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Should the US Blame Obama ?

I was watching Fox News channel the other night and just marveled at the political tug-of-war that proceeded the failed attacked on an American Jet-liner heading to Detroit from Europe. The failed attack on this Jet-liner came from an unusual source, the man himself is a Nigerian citizen. He was muscled to the floor of the plane by another unusual figure, a Dutch film maker who leaped over few people to subdue this terrorist. The only absent actor in this whole saga was the United States. No Marshals on board, no counter-terrorists at the last destination before heading to America to analyze those traveling to America, nor did the FBI or CIA notifies the US authority of the possibility that a radical was on the plane heading to the US. However, after everything, the US government, reminiscent of the Bush's administration's reaction to the Katrina criticism, dispatched damage controllers to the media. The most sickening thing though is their plea not to blame President Obama for the terrorist attack on this US Jetliner. But why shouldn't he? Why shouldn't the president take responsibility for the flawed security policies, which in many respect, a byproduct of his policy on terrorism? The second most sickening thing occurred hours after this failed terrorist attack was how President Obama responded and what they actually said in his speech.

There was a severe breakdown within the US anti-terrorism program. Unlike the circumstances leading to the attack on 9/11 when US intelligent organizations fought hard to pin-point or read the moves of the terrorists, the circumstances preceded the failed attack on an American Jetliner was right there in the face of US intelligence community. It was said that Nigerian young man who tried to take the Jetliner down with than 300 people on board, was reported to the US embassy in Nigeria about his radicalization long before he boarded the plane to America. The report was more realistic as the reporter himself was the father! The US, on the other hand, did nothing at all, and awarded this terrorist with a visa to enter the US.
After the failed attempt, the US Homeland Secretary Mrs. Nepolitano,in an interview, made a statement that made herself appears, not only stupid, but extremely incompetent, and painted a ridiculously stupid picture of the entire administration. This is what she said:

She responded to the question whether the system really failed the people of America, she replied that the System Worked. Off-course she lied, but, being a pure Liberal, she defended her statement. This is what she said later about her statement:

Her first statement was a reply to the notion that the system was a complete failure, which she argued that the system worked despite the failed attack. Watching the video, one would wonder how on earth alerting more than 200 flights of the incident, an indicator of a system that works! how about the system that ignored the imminent warning of a radical Muslim whose application to enter UK was denied, and whose name was on a "no-fly list," went pass all check-points and got on a plane to Detroit? It doesn't make any sense at all, but again, shes a Liberal and that's how Liberals think or reason things out! She lied through her teeth!

Besides that, President Obama statements made everyone shaking their heads. He words were carefully calculated not to offend Muslims in America or Al Qeada, even if they (AQ) claimed responsibility for the failed attack on the US Jetliner. He treated this incident as just an Law-enforcement issue. This is what he said:

Look at the way he views this terrorist attack:
1. Attempted Terrorist attack
2. The passenger allegedly tried to ignite
3. The suspect (the Nigerian)
4. Charged with attempting to destroy an air craft
5. Attempt act of Terrorism
How on earth did the President miss the entire saga? He is to be blamed for everything leading up to this attempt to blow up this Jetliner. His refusal to call those attacking Americans Islamic Extremists, and his attempt to undo the US security policy that kept US safe since 9/11, 2001, are direct results of the past weeks' failed attack on an American Jetliner.
Ironically, the Media and the rest of the Liberal world have been running around defending President Obama even though he did nothing to protect the United States, but everything to make US vulnerable. His constant reference to this attack as an allegation or an "isolated terrorism act" despite the fact that two of the masterminds of this attack were ex-Guantanamo prisoners, is extremely disturbing. This is an Al Qeada attack, carefully planned in Yemen by Al Qeada operatives. He is the worst President ever when it comes to protecting America.
This attack maybe failed, but the Terrorists themselves probably used this instance to test out the US defense fire-wall. The fact that the man sneaked through all the checkpoints without being detected is a sign that the worst attack is lurking in the corner, waiting to strike when the time comes.
The profile of the attacker shows that the Terrorists are now improvising with the employment of educated people (This Nigerian is an Engineer graduates from UK; son of a rich Nigerian) and people of places that aren't quite known to the Americans as breeding grounds for terrorism. The man is Nigerian whose training was done in Yemen. The next attack may come from different sources similar to this.

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