
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ella Kauhue is Insane!

Solomon Islands is in danger of being robbed by radical women and their male supporters in government, and they are more likely to succeed because of a few reasons; those in power are basically her wantoks, and that Solomon Islanders are care less about the political game that is going on right now in their midst. We need to stand up to the likes of these radicals. In this post, I want to discuss Ms. Ella Kauhue as the sole woman pusher of the propsal.

Ms. Kauhue is a radical Marxist, as I've stated in my previous posting, who uses her office to push for her own personal ambitions on the expensive of poor women in Solomon Islands. The National Council of Women's office was created to uphold the values and promote the rights of women, and to act as an avenue where politics and women issues meet. I don't know much about the history of this office, but since its creation, a number of women leaders passed through it with honor and respect from fellow Solomon Islanders. But the current Secretary, Ms. Kauhue, entered this office with a sole purpose; to expose this office for her own benefit. As a Marxist, Ms. Kauhue believes that women should hold the same office as men in all levels without taking to considerations qualifications and experience. Let explore some of Karl Marx's ideas on the issue of Feminism that Ms. Kauhue seemed to endorse. Marx believes that capitalism is the reason why women have been oppressed throughout the world, which is exactly what Ms. Kauhue and other activists have said in their countless letters to the media. In one  her articles, Kauhue argues that women aren't treated right and do not have the means that men have, therefore, they need 10 free parliamentary seats. In her view, this is the proper way of representing women. This is right out of Marxist theory on women's progressive rights.

Secondly, in one of her writings, Kauhue called the quest for 10 free parliamentary seats for Women in 2010 as a demonstration of "equal responsibilities"; another ideology coming right out of Marxist social justice. Women's right is something that is used in many countries to topple the very fabric of democracy and capitalism. The idea, Marx argued, is to break down the structure of capitalism and redistribute the wealth that men have acquired over the years. This argument is contradictory in many ways to the democratic and capitalistic nature of our governing system. This road will mean that Solomon Islands will be transformed in the near future into a country where "political fairness" or "political correctness" will take over the rights of individuals to compete, acquire and own properties. Opening up to Marxism/socialism will mean that same-sex marriage, pedophiles, rapists, and basically every walk of life will lay claim to the same rights.

Finally, Ms Kauhue's arguments are not only too shallow, but philosophically erroneous and extremely dangerous. What many Solomon Islands don't know is that she is carving out a place for herself in the political arena of Solomon Islands, but on whose expense? Kauhue is over exposing women's rights in Solomon Islands; women who perhaps don't share her views, nor her own political ambitions and dreams. When she writes on SI women's behalf, she is actually writing on her own behalf. There is indeed a failure on her part and her organization, the National Council of Women, to carry out a national poll to show whether women in SI and the whole population, supportive of her ideas or not. She failed to demonstrate that her ideas are well taken by the people of Solomon Islands. And since our Members of Parliament represent various constituencies, she failed to show how the "10 Free Seats" should be distributed across provincial lines. There is no careful considerations of the complications that these free seats will bring to SI on national election day next year. Watch out!

Some Links
Origin of Political Correctness
Emancipation of Women (Marxism)

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