
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Benjamin Natanyahu's Speech Rocks Congress!

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Natanyahu
Those who watched the speech by the Prime Minister of Israel - Benjamin Natanyahu - and not moved by it, is spineless, rejecting the reality of the Middle East. Israel has been watching the Obama administration courting and appeasing the trouble-maker of the ME, Iran. Over the past years, the Israeli pm realized that the Obama administration is either being duped to believe Iran, or is deliberately ignorant of the risk poses by the Iranian government.

Israeli is surrounded by two of Iran's funded terrorist groups, Hezbollah in the North and Hamas in the south, Gaza. To place a nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran is a grave threat to the Israel. Israel has waged wars with Hezbollah and Hamas in the past few years. Yet, the Obama admin refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organization yet condemning Israel for invading Gaza after Hamas fired thousands of Israel to Jewish homes. Adding insult to injury, the Obama administration started negotiating with Iran over its nuclear weapon's program which is not a secret.

In every negotiation, there's a a wolf and a sheep. In this case, Iran is the wolf who doesn't honor restricting measures the Obama administration tossed on the table. Yet, the Obama administration thinks that Iran can be corralled just as a stubborn child. It is not the case. While negotiating, Iran continues enriching its nuclear materials to a scary level.

The last straw came during this year's "state of the union" speech by Obama in which he claimed that under his leadership, the Iran's nuclear program had reduced, which is a total bullshit. After that speech, the speaker of the House of Congress, John Boehner, invited the prime minister of Israel to speak before congress. The invitation infuriated the Obama admin and the Democrat party so much so that they boycotted the Israeli leader's speech. It shows the huge divide between Israel and the US since the Obama administration took office in 2009, that is - the relationship between Israel and USA had been greatly harmed by the Obama admin's attempt to tilt the balance of the ME toward Iran.

The speech was extremely powerful that even Democrats who attended also stood and applaud PM's speech. He ended from the words of Moses about bravery and resolute, which sent the audience into a whirlwind of applause.

This is a speech worth listening/watching.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Fox News: Romney Threw in the Towel as his Team Disintegrates

The GOP 2012's presidential candidate, in spite of the fact that he is ahead in the poll as the favorite for the upcoming presidential election in 2016, threw in the towel - silencing all the rumors that he is running for the third time. Political pundits on Fox News and CNN claimed that Romney's decision may have been a result of his team disintegrating and quoted him referring to the "lack of enthusiasm" as one of the reasons for his decisions. But let me make a bold prediction, the GOP will cannibalized their own capable leaders in search of the more conservative evangelical leader and will result in the downfall of the party as it did in 2008 and 2012. The evangelicals who refused to back Romney did so because of his faith and not his political ideology, nor his business accomplishments. Pundits refused to even acknowledge this fact, but it is obvious that more than 4 million evangelical voters didn't vote for Obama who had fewer Democrat support in 2012 than in 2008. To be fair, a good number of evangelicals backed Romney, but a huge portion of the evangelical population stayed home during election day of 2012. Doing so, they gave President Obama his second time in spite of his hostility toward the American business sector, corporations that kept this country above the water, and oil industry that fueled half of American homes. This is the cancer that is killing the GOP.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The President of United States is a psychopath

POTUS at the SOTU 2015
I'm not a psychiatrist, nor a psychologist, but the president of the United States (POTUS) appeared to have some mental and social issues. POTUS is apparently disconnected from reality and he can never owned up to it. Looking in the face of Americans and mouthing off things that are half-baked and fundamentally untrue, is why his famous "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period!" earned him the title - "Lie of the Year - 2014". These are some of the observations I had after watching his speech. 

First, the economy is bouncing back, in spite of his harsh policies. It is quite arrogant to take credits for things he didn't create, or for jobs created by an industry, in this case - the oil/gas industry, he fought hard to destroy. In the past, the POTUS went after oil companies calling for the remove of subsidizes that enabled these companies to compete with overseas' corporations and a huge source of federal revenue. In his own words, they are making too much profit and should be stopped. The revolution in the natural gas industry in US is one of the reasons why gas-price came tumbling down, now we see a $1.90/gln average across America, a little above the cost of price when President Bush left office. This is reminiscent of his attack on fast-food and healthy food, but then took credits for jobs created by the fastfood industry, most of them part-time, as a sign that his policies were working. This is laughable. 

Secondly, his college proposals is something I wish was done earlier when he ran for the second time in 2012. What the media people and pundits missed is the fact that POTUS promised students that their college tuition would be lower and affordable. Its been six years since he took office yet tuition went up during that time. In 2008, the cost of one credit hour was $80, not its doubled and rising. His proposal, which he touted across the country, for free two year college - community college level - is nothing but an attempt to reach the age group that helped him won in 2008 and 2012 president election - the so-called millennials. He's also hoping to keep the pressure on GOP and help his party in 2016 using these demography. This is what people called "pandering to the base", something both parties utilized from time to time. If it is true, he needs to tell the students that they'll have to pay a price when they enter the work force after college. His accumulated debt means more taxes, less jobs for people he is trying to help, and also means graduates will find it hard to pay their student loans back.

Taxing the rich, was another highlight of his speech. The difference between the Democrat and the Republican, in my opinion, is that the Republicans would tax people directly and most of the time, they get kicked in the guts. The Democrats, however,  found a way around that by taxing corporations. This is a strategy highlighted by one of Obamacare's architects, Johnathan Gruber, in a few of his videos which he rants against American stupidity and how government exploits their ignorance for its advantage. In this video, Gruber explained how the 2004 Democrat presidential candidate, John Kerry, suggested taxing the health insurance companies instead of the people. This is what you called sticking it to the people from back.

This is one of Obamacare's architect talking about plans to tax the people directly.

The plan to tax Insurance companies was created to demonize the industry. In this clip, Mr. Gruber who worked on Massachussetts healthcare law and the drafting of the Obamcare bill, explained that taxing the people would be suicidal. In fact, former President Bush Sr promised the American people with the famous - "Read my lips no more taxes" pledge but went on to break that promise by raising taxes. Voters turned against him and threw him out of office in his second term bid. To ran away from that trap, the Democrats devised a plan to tax the hell out of health insurance companies, which the CEOs already knew was coming, and have the Ins. companies increase the premiums and the American people will pay the extras. Voters would then turn against Ins. companies, not the government. This is a cheap tactic used by the Democrats for many years. The middle-class who supported Obama in 2008 and 2009 based on his attack on corporations was hard hit by increases on very basic necessities of life; example, hike in gas price, higher coast of foods in supermarkets and grocery stores. The tax on huge corporations, such as gas/oil, means that these companies had to make up the difference by increasing the cost of goods and services. This is what Obama is doing the other night - painting himself as a poor president going after wall Street and huge corporations when in reality, his financiers are Wall Street CEOs. His attack on huge companies is nothing but a huge pile of bullshit.

Finally, Obama got hammered in 2014 midterm election, worst than the defeat he suffered in 2010. However, he appeared defiant and refused to acknowledge the huge GOP sweep on both houses of congress. Besides, political pundits and the Democrat lapdogs of the media never mentioned the fact that Obama's policies were defeated resoundingly at the 2014 polls all across America. Voters rejected the very policies POTUS claimed the other night to be helping the middle-class. Such rejection can only mean one thing - the figures Obama is looking at don't reflect reality. The figures are created by tobacco chewing professors who don't know a dang thing about creating jobs and paying people to do the work, and filing taxes on yearly basis. Take for instance his unemployment rate, this is something he touted for weeks, but then again, the real unemployment rate is in double digit. After the recession, which ended in the first year of his administration, the number of people looking for jobs made up a huge pool often referred to by statisticians as the "universe" of employment seeking citizens. Over time, people started falling out of that "universe" and perhaps settled for unemployment benefits. As the universe of people shrunk, so too is the unemployment rate. The POTUS attributed this to more people entering the work force, which is a huge lie. The number of people in unemployment benefit, foodstamp and disability are, in my opinion, evidence why the falling unemployment rate is nothing but a manipulation of figures by government hacks;all to make things look good for the POTUS. This is disturbing, but not surprising for a party that promised the middle-class everything yet delivering little. In fact, under this president, the middle-class has shrunk significantly. 

God have mercy on our souls. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

I'm going to see 'American Sniper' tonight

Cry me a river Liberals, I am going to see 'American Sniper' sometimes tonight or tomorrow.There was a time when Americans turned to movies to rejuvenate their patriotism and pride, but today, any movie that glorifies American greatness and bravery, is met with senseless attack from the Democrats and the radicals on the left. Somehow, being an American hero is a terrible thing. 
I admire the American military - all of them volunteers - and the role they play in keeping Americans safe. After 9/11 Americans came together, churches filled to the max, college students, high school kids, and working Americans flocked to military recruitment centers to join the military to serve their country. They united in one voice to fight those who struck at the heart of America - the attack on the 'Empire State'. After the dusts settled, and more than a decade later, democrats and their far-left goons began to call American soldiers are terrorists; belittling American heroes, soldiers and their families. But one thing remain unchanged - these men are real heroes. They volunteered and sent to wars by the same people that now turned on them for political expediency!