
Friday, January 30, 2015

Fox News: Romney Threw in the Towel as his Team Disintegrates

The GOP 2012's presidential candidate, in spite of the fact that he is ahead in the poll as the favorite for the upcoming presidential election in 2016, threw in the towel - silencing all the rumors that he is running for the third time. Political pundits on Fox News and CNN claimed that Romney's decision may have been a result of his team disintegrating and quoted him referring to the "lack of enthusiasm" as one of the reasons for his decisions. But let me make a bold prediction, the GOP will cannibalized their own capable leaders in search of the more conservative evangelical leader and will result in the downfall of the party as it did in 2008 and 2012. The evangelicals who refused to back Romney did so because of his faith and not his political ideology, nor his business accomplishments. Pundits refused to even acknowledge this fact, but it is obvious that more than 4 million evangelical voters didn't vote for Obama who had fewer Democrat support in 2012 than in 2008. To be fair, a good number of evangelicals backed Romney, but a huge portion of the evangelical population stayed home during election day of 2012. Doing so, they gave President Obama his second time in spite of his hostility toward the American business sector, corporations that kept this country above the water, and oil industry that fueled half of American homes. This is the cancer that is killing the GOP.

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