
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Politicians Exploit Race in Ferguson. MO

Obama Sheds tears at Inauguration, 2009
The election of the first Black President, Barrack Hussein Obama, was hailed as the end of racial tensions in United States of America, and the dawn of a new united country. However, after five years, US is ever more racially divided than anyone could imagine and the tension is fuel by politicians and the media. The incident in Ferguson, Missouri, is just one of the many examples.
First of, the "Chief Executive" of this country, President Obama, and the First Legal Officer, Eric Holder, have a habit of diving into racial tensions across America; mostly isolated issues, and turning them into national issues. For instance, President Obama jumped into the Cop-vs-Harvard Professor saga (a police officer who arrested a man thinking he was breaking in to someone else' house after someone called 911), claiming that the officer "acted stupidly" although he admitted a few minutes earlier he did not have all the facts. He also inserted himself into the Trayvon Martin vs State of Florida case (Zimmermann, a cop, shot dead a black young man after he was beaten badly), by saying that if he had a son he would look like Martins.

Interestingly, the Department of Justice (DOJ) never interested in investigating so-called "Blacks on White crime" as if those crimes are wholly legally justified. In the past two years, black men across America roamed the streets and beat up white people randomly in what was dubbed the "Knock Out" game by the media. A number of victims survived, some died. Yet the AG didn't see any violation of "Civil Rights" in these instances and never lifted a finger to investigate just why blacks turned on white people they don't know; including pregnant and helpless old people. However, when a black young man was shot dead by police, not knowing all the minute details of the incident, the AG jumped into it to, claiming he wanted to know if the victim's "Civil Rights" were violated. Just a day ago, he was in Ferguson with a team of investigators, talking to police officers and made a huge scene out of this isolated issue.
Furthermore, the Racial Agitators - the likes of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson - also made things extremely hard for law enforcement to get to the bottom of the incident by pumping up young angry black men and women to protest against police while painting cops as child-killers. Arming with zero fact, they painted a picture of the victim they only imagined. Far from the truth, they stormed Ferguson's public places, calling for the head of the shooter, and for justice for Brown. They portrayed the police officers as bunch of cold-blooded killers whose primary purpose is to hunt down every black kid and shoot them, even if they raised their hands high in the air. These agitators only empowered the looters, criminals, outside anarchists to destroy businesses around Ferguson areas. The shocking thing is when a video of showing the victim robbing a convenient store was released by the police, they tried to suppress it, calling it a 'character assassination'.
Also elected officials led by the Governor of Missouri, coupled with the media seemed to crave an all-out racial protest across the country. They deliberately distorted figures, evidence, stories, and facts to paint a very bad image for the police officers across the country as if they are engaged in a grand scheme to hunt down all black kids across America and kill them. The amount of lies and irresponsible reporting coming out of the news media and from these politicians are way over the top.
However, after all these craps, the autopsy and evidence of the police officer showed something totally different. The office sustained injuries which consistent with the theory that he shot the victim in self-defense, and the victim's body also consistent with that report. Even so, the biased reporting and the trash-talks from Democrats, the leftwing media, and the scared-shitless governor of Missouri continue. 

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