
Thursday, November 14, 2013

President Obama twisted the truth again

President Obama
Just a few minutes ago President Barrack Hussein Obama just wrapped up a press conference, but he didn't tell anything new but the same old story. He is back to his usual way of taking responsibility yet attempting to justify his actions. This made this press conference futile and somewhat laughable.
In this press conference, President Obama acknowledged that the roll-out of ACA wasn't so perfect and took responsibility for the mess but then he claimed that the "status quo" was extremely bad and the people didn't want that system. THAT IS TRUE! That is a slap in the face of so many Americans who have lost their "healthcare insurance" because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which renders that old system 'illegally'.
Lets be frank: the ACA was passed in Congress by only Democrats because all GOP congressmen were barred from Democrats' "indoor negotiations". And the overhaul of that healthcare was basically to cover those who didn't have healthcare insurance because of rising premiums. The 30 million  (just 9% of Americans) of which illegal aliens made up about 10 million; living only about 20 million. But because his views and argument made more sense to the Liberals and Independent minded Americans, they pushed it through. Additionally, the old system was the best system in the world because of "competition" and its free market based nature. A sick man didn't have to go through a "death panel" as that in England called the "N.I.C.E" (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) which decided who should take the high cost of treatment and who should die. That old system, if your insurance provides that money, you are treated immediately and it is this quality care that made US healthcare system the highest in the world. Canadian leaders, European leaders, and ME leaders were coming to US for treatment because there was no third person, no middle man. That's someone that Democrats wanted to destroy so that they could control all American lives. They wanted a government that decides who should and shouldn't be treated. And that wasn't a broken system either as portrayed by President Obama and the Democrats. There was a "huge cost" issue, not the provider aspect of the healthcare system. Those who didn't have healthcare insurance were treated for free with the tabs taken up by the working class.But the problem could have been resolved had the Democrats and the president choose a reform which could lower the premiums, making it affordable, but they chose a socialized style attempting to force all Americans to a government "exchange program" in a coup to destroy the US healthcare system in favor of the Canadian single payer system. They took the whole system down and lied to the people in order to sell it - the worst lie ever told in US history, next to the sexual relationship of Democrat leader Bill Clinton and former Richard Nixon.

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