
Monday, April 22, 2013

Political Correctness Amidst Chaos

Days after the two brother terrorists murdered three innocent Bostonian citizens - including a sweet little eight year old boy - using homemade bombs, the country is again torn apart by war of words as to how exactly these two men should be leveled. On  the left, the two aren't terrorists, but mere murderers and criminals. And prior to this, the media announced that the attack maybe two right wingers so mad at the US government decided to blow innocent bystanders up in to pieces. Others already, without waiting for the information, blamed American progun haters. Other's prayed that the attack was carried out by a white man so that the left agenda is not harm. However, even when the two men were caught and evidence of terrorist links to the two men unearthed, the media is still condemning those mentioning the name "Islam or terrorists" and for a known reason and that is - the Obama administration doesn't believe terrorists exist; they have different names for it. One of the assertions puts out by the left is so far-fetched that I want to address in this post. 
Leftwing pundits argued over the weekend that the two have no ties to foreign terrorists because, without any solid evidence, they didn't hide their faces as terrorists would have. There are two things these ridiculous analysis missed: 

First, the two were suicidal. Hours after two bombs went off in mere seconds between each other, killing innocent bystanders and runners, authorities had little clues as to who they really were. They soon identified the two but the photos were so grainy that they didn't have any hope of identifying the two. Authorities' databases didn't even yield any suspicious names, and as a result, the government ordered the shut-down of the whole city to prevent them from leaving. The two were seemingly out of reach of the government, and as days wore off, the Boston authority reached out to the public for assistance, but then they surfaced, which leading to the next point.
The two were ready to die. The bare faces and public display of amateurism of the duo can also be construed as a statement to the police - COME AFTER US! The two were ready to die and weren't ready to run. They first carjacked an SUV and mentioned to the driver that they were the bombers and they spared his life - a sure sign that they wanted the driver to tell people who they really were. They even robbed a convenient store, and shot a police officer and then raced out into the place in a SUV packed with bombs and deadly ammunition.  Who did that? They weren't hiding,  they weren't amateurs, they were hardcore killers.
The two knew very well that they weren't facing a handful of neighborhood police officers - they were facing the FBI, CIA, ATF, BPD, the US government, and the Boston SWAT team. They knew very well they had little chance of surviving a standoff against these well armed officers - US finest first respondents. But they were ready to die for their cause! When confront, the two fired at the police and dropped bombs, similar to the ones used at the marathon's finish line, hurting police officers. These two men weren't ready for negotiations whatsoever and they were ready to die. Weren't they suppose to hide? 
So the notion that the two were just angry kids who had no friends and were out of touch with the public, is as laughable and as ridiculous as the US government blaming the murder of the US ambassador in Libya on a video tape which later proven to be a total joke! These two men were posting radical sermons by an Islamic cleric in Australia on youtube and no one paid attention. Now evidence that the elder bro was in Russia for a few months and was reported to have met radical leaders of a Chechen extremist groups. These are evidence that these men were inspired by Islamic anti-American clerics and weren't hiding it; they posted about it online and were armed to the teeth ready to die in the name of Allah.

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