
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The anti-war administration had sponsored far to many!

President Barrack Hussein Obama ran in 2008 as the president that would make the world love America more. He is doing just the opposite. More countries hate America as a result of its approach toward international issues. The administration that ran on ending wars had created far too many, and fueling yet another one - the Syrian conflict. 
The anti-war president led NATO to assist Libyan fighters in overthrowing the leader of Libya, leaving a huge vacuum in North Africa to Al Qeada. Just few weeks ago, Al Qeada stormed a BP oil rig south of Libya, killing more than eighty workers, including foreigners and also pushed the Malian army out of three quarter of Mali, one of the largest countries in Africa. The move forced France to intervene.
This anti-war administration also removed Hosni Mubarak by supporting protesters while pressuring Mubarak to resign. Today, the exiled Muslim Brotherhood - an organization dedicated to the establishment of Islam in Egypt and the ME, and whose slogan states - "Jihad is our way" - has returned to rule Egypt, thanks to the support of the Obama administration. The group's main objective is the institutionalization of the Sharia Law. President Obama, the man who ran as an "anti-war" candidate, financed and armed the Egyptian military to a level it never had in the past thirty years. Just recently, the US sold F16 killing machine to the Muslim Brotherhood. There's no greater danger in the world than the Muslim brotherhood teaming up with Israel's and Western's sworn enemy, Iran. 
Today, the Obama administration is again in Europe pledging support to another war. Secretary of State John Kerry's first major meeting is not between US and its trade partners but the Syrian opposition rebels, in which he offered financial support. While Sec. Kerry's meeting with the Syrian opposition and pledging financial support to the rebels without any talks of arms, it is a fact that the US government is supplying Syrian rebel fighters behind the curtains, the very thing that got US Ambassador to Libya, Stevens, killed along with four other civilian officers. Evidence suggested that Stevens was in Benghazi meeting with Syrian rebel leaders as part of Obama's effort to arm Syrian rebels. He was killed after meeting the Syrian fighters. 

US is facing two possible unintended consequences

First, US is going to run into Russia in direct confrontation if it takes active role in the Syrian conflict. Unlike US support for the Syrian rebels, Communist Russia doesn't hide the fact that it is supplying Assad with weapons and money. The Syrian conflict is different from other conflicts in the Middle East. Syria has direct tie to Moscow going back years, and more recently the cold war error. Russia have watched the US activities in the ME with tremendous concern and I won't be surprised if Russia takes active direct role in the Syrian conflict. A couple of years ago, Russia warned the West of interfering in the Syrian internal affairs. Do we want a repeat of  the cold-war? Off course not, it is the hope of the world that Russia remains peaceful, and that the US tone down its military activities in the world. But things are poised to go down the cold-war trail with this US direct funding of the Syrian rebels. 
Secondly, the US is flirting with the idea of isolating friends and creating new enemiesChristians in Syria are now fighting alongside Syrian army because they've seen what happened to other Christians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Egypt. They know that the fall of Assad would deal a tremendous blow to their own existence. They fear that hardcore Muslims would turn their country into a nation under Sharia law and Islamic rule as in Egypt where (despite tremendous protest in the street against what they called a power grab by the Muslim sitting president and his Muslim brotherhood supporters) the Muslim leadership care less about their religious freedom. Churches were burned and Christians murdered by bigots just after the so-called Democratic installment of the new Egypt government. Often times the leaders of Muslim states are accused of not being religious enough, and that the eradication of these leaders - those who hold the balance of peace - will be proven catastrophic as in the case of Iran. They feared that Syria may turned into an Iranian like country after the fall of the Sha of Iran. The Democrat party under President Carter claimed that Ayatollah Khomeini's movement was fighting for freedom and Democracy. Off course, he and the rebels turned Iran into an extremely powerful Islamic Republic that detested the West. Interestingly, it is the Democrat party that is again supporting a course that is everything but democratic. 
Greek Orthodox Christians Support Assad >> Read more
US is also isolating Israel further. As much as Israel feared Assad, the Jewish state  fear even more an establishment of a hard-line Islamic Republic at its border. Although Assad and Israel clashed a few times over terrorists camps inside Damascus, the two nations remained relatively at peace since the end of the Yom Kippur War, 1973. What Israel feared most, in my analysis, is a nation at its door step moving from center left, to far right Islamic state. An example of that is Turkey. Turkey is one of the two ME countries that have diplomatic ties with Israel until a coalition of Muslims took over the government and driving it far far to the right as demonstrated by Turkey's action during the flotilla to Gaza - an open provocation of the state of Israel. A couple of years ago, Turkey provoked Israel by sending in a flotilla under humanitarian guise. When IDF soldiers roped down to the boat, they met terrorists armed with clubs, iron-bars, and knives, ready for a fight. After the encounter, a few were killed, sparking Turkey's condemnation, threatening the very peaceful agreement the two nations signed many years ago. Israel is obviously very nervous by the US move to support the Syrian opposition rebels. 
This US foreign policy is extremely dangerous, it is a ticking time bomb ready to explode in the face of the Democrat party and the US anti-war president, President Obama. 

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