
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

RE: State of the Union - My Thoughts!

Obama giving the 2013 State of the Union Address
The other night, US president Barrack Hussein Obama delivered a wonderful "State of the Union" address to the nation. The speech is filled with colorful and catch-phrases crafted to appeal to listeners across the nation, but underneath all these lies a nation in turmoil, bleeding and gasping for air after four years of reckless spending and empty promises. The speech did little to satisfy the American people who are now holding on to the end of the rope as the economy still struggling to boot-up, and with middle-class people seeing their paycheck slipping away into the hands of the IRS. This post will examine the realities versus the rhetoric uttered in the recent SOU. These are my opinions and may not be accurate. 
I want to start with what I think is the best argument and end with the president's weakest argument. 

The Big Hit: President Obama's immigration policies may be the beginning of a new approach to legal immigration. It is apparent that President Obama is trying to fulfill a campaign promise he made last year to Hispanics. It demonstrated a nation working against its people; the administration which sued the state of Arizona for implementing state immigration law aimed to address influx of illegal aliens - most of them criminals - is poised to pardon illegal aliens who broke the US immigration law. 
However, I must commend the president for calling for a change in the current immigration policy characterized by long waits - without guarantee in the end - for those who are trying to come to America legally. I been through this grueling process myself. I've endured this waiting policy and spent fortunes to enter the country. That, I agree wholeheartedly with President Obama; US needs a different approach to the current immigration policy. It means a shorter waiting period for educated foreigners who would contribute to the US economy. It would also mean a better treatment of those who are trying to come the right way. It is time for those law abiding foreign applicants to be treated fairly than those law-breakers who are living here illegally. 

On the Economy 
It is hard to run against your own record, but for Obama he could just glide through his record hoping that the American people didn't get it. The speech, overall, is filled with lies and more empty promises piling on to unfulfilled ones from the past four years.  
President Obama presides over the biggest deficit since the creation of America, of which he added $6 trillion (over $1 trillion a year) in just four years. He also presides over a slow growing economy, a devastated GDP, and an ever weakening military. He also presides over a shattered foreign policy one that can only be describe as a "bystanding policy". Yet he spoke as if things have changed for the better under his watch. How ridiculous!
He touted his success in many aspects of the economy, and how his policies helped Americans, many poor people etc., but the truth cannot be that vague. Since taking office, the US lost a huge junk of its work force, and after four years he still blaming his predecessor. The millions of jobs he promised never came to pass, and the promised he delivered in his first SOU's speech to slash the US debt in half, never materialized. Earlier in the month, about 23 million Americans still looking for jobs. And the last labor statistic showed a meager 156,000 jobs created; a real deviation from predicted figures from his economic advisers. The market and economic optimism of the past month was down. The result of that was an increase in the US unemployment rate by 0.1% (contracting rate), a bad sign for a so-called recovering economy, but why surprised? 
Another thing President Obama and the Democrats boasted about for over a year is the Obama healthcare law - the Affordable Care Act, but he didn't mention in his speech that his healthcare bill has killed more job in just one month of its full implementation than any other legislation in US history and its projected to kill hundreds of thousands of jobs at the end of his second term. The law itself comes with a $518 billion in taxes. Many huge companies laid off workers because of the new regulations, and many more taxes found to have embedded deeply in this new law. (click on picture for detail)
When President Bill Clinton lost Congress to the Republican party, he moved to the middle. It was a sign Americans couldn't take it anymore of his BS economy and higher taxes. The result of Clinton's declaring the "ERA OF BIG GOVERNMENT IS OVER" were some of the best economic outputs a president could ever produced. He is described as one of the successful US presidents in US history. One thing many people missed in their analysis of Clinton was his ability to work together with the Republican party. But not Obama! 
To President Obama, he won elections and he can't accept the normal negotiation processes of government. His EPA and healthcare regulations destroyed thousands of jobs, and is set to destroy more! he never back-down from pushing them. Though the solar companies he heavily invested in declared bankrupt in matter of months, and his $95 billion investment on green-energy evaporates into thin air, he still pushing green technology.
President Obama is the reason why rookies should never lead the strongest economies of the world. The naivte

On Foreign Policy
Talking about Al Qeada and terrorist camps around the Milddle East (ME) and Northern Africa was quite a stunner considering his "appeasement" and "passive" approach to global terrorism and the death of the US ambassador. While he has all the right in the world to boast about killing Osama Bin Laden, he cannot tell the American people that under his administration, terrorists are running scared and that their camps had been destroyed with brute-force when the truth is known that President Obama is the weakest of all president when it comes to foreign policy. His abysmal record on terrorism is none existent. Of the war in Libya, President was in South America negotiating off-shore drilling while his secretary of state was in France trying to give the nod to NATO on his behalf. 
In Egypt, he supported the call for the resignation of only deterring force in ME, Hosni Mubarrack, while supporting the Muslim Brotherhood - a group sworn to destroy Israel and attack US interests in the world all in the name of Allah. Despite supporting Iranian regime that is openly hostile to Israel and American allies int he ME, the Obama administration supplied Egypt with US killing machines, the F16 Fighter Jet.
This any more more are some of the things that jumped straight out of Obama's speech. 

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