
Friday, January 25, 2013

OBAMA Violated the Constitution says a Federal Court Panel

He is known for attacking the US constitution prior and even after electing president of the world's strongest nation. President Barrack Hussein Obama rules the nation profoundly different from any president in US history. He got away with it because of the failure of a tired white dominated Congress to challenge him for fear of racial backlash, but the silence only emboldened his outrageous over the top administration. Today, Fox News and other outlets, mostly foreign media, reported that a federal court panel ruled that President Obama violated the US Constitution. 

Recently, President Obama made a number of appointments contrary to the US constitution and argued that he did exactly what his predecessors did in the past, that is, appointing people to important offices when Congress was in recess. That problem, according to the panel, was that Congress was actively working when Obama made those appointments. The appeal may come but this is the extremely important. It is also to good to see the courts unanimously agreed on this issue. How about the appointments? 

"Considering the text, history and structure of the Constitution, these appointments were invalid from their inception..." (fox news)

The purpose of the Constitution is to guide the nation, but more so to protect the little guys from the tyranny of government. The founding fathers experienced inequality in government representation where UK Monarchy and Parliament decided what they thought best for the people, even if it included outrageous taxes laws. Taxation without civilian representation was one of the causes of the US Revolution. As such, the Constitution  was created to ensure that the people are protected from the power of government.
Today's ruling is a signal to the president that the day's of trampling the US Constitution maybe over, or maybe not. We'll come and examine this theory at the end of his second term (2016). 

Read more:

 Supreme Court - Obama violates the Constitution

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