
Thursday, January 3, 2013

MIchael Moore - the Capitalist that Hates Capitalism

Michael Moore, the Liberal anti-capitalist activist
For those of you who never seen this man before, this is Michael Moore, the anti-capitalist liberal who became the champion of the left by attacking the American capitalist system, its healthcare system through his multimillion dollar so-called "documentaries", or to be precise - propagandatries. 
In 2004, Mr. Moore released a controversial propagandatry known as "Fahrenheit 9/11" ( Click to Watch Trailer ). He claimed that George W. Bush stole the election of 2000 despite the fact that the 
Supreme Court, after examining the charges, awarded Bush the presidency. He stitched together different scenes to present a picture that wasn't there. He also attacked Bush and the Republican party over the war in Iraq. He also argued - in this film - that TERRORISM is a Neocon construct and that there is no "threat of terrorism". If this man lived in the real world, he would have witnessed the horror of 9/11. To say "terrorism" is not real, is to say 9/11 was just a myth, hyped up by the Republican warmongers in office. It is important to watch the whole Fahrenhype 9/11 to put things to perspective. Most of his claims, however, were debunked by a Conservative Documentary called "Fahrenhype 9/11" Click to Watch Whole Movie.

Just when Americans thought Moore was silenced when his lies were exposed, he came out with another controversial documentary he named "Sicko" - a direct attack on American healthcare system. In 2007, the movie Sicko shook the entire healthcare system by claiming that there is a conspiracy embedded deep in the system to enrich greedy capitalist CEOs. He cherry-picked the weaknesses of the US healthcare, portraying it as the worst in the world, at the same time singing the praises of socialized medical-care systems like Cuba and Canada, which everyone in the world knows responsible for many deaths - especially deaths from treatable diseases. Click to Watch Trailer . He praised Britain's healthcare system when Britain's death panel, also known as N.I.C.E (National Institute for Clinical Excellene), decides who should and shouldn't be treated.This one sided documentary became a huge tool of the 2009 Democrat Congress as they pushed to introduced their socialized healthcare bill known as Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act). Interestingly, the man who made these claims (that US healthcare system is inferior to socialized systems) still lives in US; enjoying the healthcare system he constantly demonizing. 
Two years later, in 2009, Moore resurfaced with another controversial one. He released another documentary against "Capitalism". He named this documentary "Capitalism - A love Story" - Click to Watch Trailer. Moore argues that capitalism is the worst system in the world because it is based on one thing - GREED! What many Moore's fans didn't realize, however, is that Moore enriches himself with the money his earned from all these American bashing documentaries. He lives comfortably just like any capitalist CEO at Wall Street. Like many of his fellow anti-Capitalist Liberals, Moore keeps on attacking the same system made him a millionaire. He is revered by the anti-American activists and Liberal Democrats as a great man, but for what? Lying? Distorting truths? 
He, like many of his multimillionaire Democrats buddies such as Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry, strongly supported violent Wall Street occupiers. He claims himself to be a 99 percenter (poor). But  take a look at what he made from his Documentaries: 
Mr. Moore is worth $50,000,000.00, higher than the average capitalist Wall Street CEO. His documentaries accumulated about $300,000,000 at the Box Office. The documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 itself raked in $230,000,000.00 and more than $3,000,000 in DVDs sales. After all the theater payouts, the movie made a total of $130,000,000.00; a substantial profit for a political propagandatry. Moore himself takes home $80,000,000.00. He also takes home $17,000,000.00 in profit for his documentary - Sicko. A 50% of all profits gained from this movie. He earns millions of dollars from his books and speaking fees etc. This is a man heavily profited by a system - capitalism - he lambasting day-in and day-out. Take a look at his house: 
Michael Moore's Home worth $2,000,000. Yet he claims to be a 99-percenter, he sees himself as part of the poor family.
Read more about Moore 
This is Moore defending his documentaries. He portrays himself as a poor American on Sean Hannity Show. Click and Watch. He tells Hannity "I have a House" ... look at his house above; this mansion belongs to the man who supposed to fight for the poor people. When Hannity points out that if he was in Cuba - the country he praised in his documentary "Sicko" - making a documentary attacking Castro, he would be killed, Moore laughs. To him, a crime committed 40 years ago is not a crime. He then, again, criticizes America - claiming that US had murdered more people than Cuba. The difference though is that the US president doesn't lock up, nor killed, those that criticized him, Castro did and continues do. Today, political prisoners are still held, some died in jail.
Moore actually represents the mentality of the Liberal left. Like Moore, Liberal Democrats - the loons of Congress - constantly attacking President Bush's tax-cut for "all Americans" including the rich, yet they are the biggest beneficiaries of the tax-cuts. Arrogance? You decide!

This American hater is on the front page again with his new year resolution - DON'T SUPPORT the TROOPS. In other words, don't support those that keep his ass safe!

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