
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What at Stake for America under Obama's Second Term

I had a short conversation with my neighbor the other day and he told me he would never vote for Gov Mitt Romney because he is for millionaires and rich corporations. He went on to say, Gov Romney doesn't care about low paid earners like him. I listened as he kept on attacking the Republican party so when he paused, I asked him this simple question, 'if Obama is elected and he raise taxes on millionaires and corporations, do you expect the prices of your food, gas and cloths to remain low?', he took a long pause then said, I don't know. Well, I politely explained that a massive tax imposed on oil companies would impact food prices.

But I am sure my friend epitomizes the rest of the Liberal minded Americans who support Barrack Obama. They care little about the "complexity" of the economy, but care so much about the "the political rhetoric". 
Obama's second victory also demonstrate something - the overwhelming sign of a nation that is sensitive to race and a nation that, unlike their forefathers, don't believe in working anymore. In 2009, more than 90% of blacks voted for President Obama which was unprecedented. There was only one driving force behind this victory - RACE. Yet, since 2009, whites are being called racists; a complete contradiction. Even last two days, question of whether Romney will win all the Whites, had some media people cringed. Besides, president Obama had created the largest dependency "class" in the history of this great nation and refusing to acknowledge the fact that people deserved to keep what they earn. In his argument, which many people view as a socialist utopia, Obama points out the fact that the rich people are way too rich and that wealth should be redistributed. You cannot call "rich people" keeping their own money "unfair" while calling the "redistribution" of money to people who never earned or deserved them, "fair". It is still unfair when you take what someone earned and give it to someone that doesn't deserve it. 
There was a time that voters hold the candidates to their own words, not this time. When Bush Sr said "No tax hike" and affirming it with the words "read my lips", voters held him to that promise. When taxes went suddenly up toward the end of his term, voters were infuriated and voted him out in favor of a smooth talking former Arkansas Governor, Bill Clinton. This is, in my opinion, the first time that a sitting president - promising tax-hike - get reelected. 

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