
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

President Hillary Clinton in ME

In 2008, the Democrat presidential candidate, Senator Hillary Clinton released a TV ad that goes like this: 
Click to Watch the 3 am Ad
Senator Barrack Obama, on the other hand, ridiculed this ad telling supporters that Senator Clinton shouldn't answer the 3 am phone-call because she was wrong about Iraq. Clinton was one of those Democrat leaders who hammered Saddam Hussein on WMD prior to the invasion of Iraq. 

Click to see Obama attack Sen Clinton's Credibility
Former president Bill Clinton was furious about the whole ordeal decided to take Senator Obama head on. Since joining the race in 2007, Senator Obama made his opposition to the Iraqi war, his trademark argument. While other Democrat candidates didn't know what to do with that argument, President Clinton knew what to do. He decided to take Obama head-on by using Obama's own arguments and speech which he removed from his website prior to joining the race in 2007. The most experienced president puts Obama's argument (his opposition to Iraqi war) this way: 
Click to watch Clinton taking apart Obama's strongest argument 
The irony is this, Obama and his surrogates attacked Clinton - calling him a racist bigot. For viewers, Clinton's argument was simply straight forward. The insertion of race in this debate is Obama's classic reply when caught in a huge lie or feeling defeated. 
But since elected, president Obama, failed in every test of the presidency. He is not doing what the Commander-in-chief of the US Armed Forces ought to do, that is leading in every international issue. He had delegated that responsibility to the 2008 candidate who he called "unreliable" and lacks credibility to answer the 3 am call from international leaders about issues facing global security. 
Somehow Clinton is doing the work of the US President while Obama is out golfing and flipping through papers and listening to advisers on how to raise taxes and chase big corporations out of United States. 
From day 1: She was in Israel to negotiate peace agreements between the Palestinian authorities and Israel. She also headed NATO talks, in the absence of president Obama, in France where agreement was reached to overthrow Muammer Qadafi. Between the two, Clinton is the president, and Obama is there just to fill the House. 
Today Clinton is, again, in the ME trying to broker peace between Israel and Palestinian authority. One can only ask, why the hell did voters elected a man that only uses other people to do his work abroad? The truth remains - of the two, Clinton is more experienced, and more credible in dealing with international leaders than the rookie president from Illinois. 

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