
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

GOP, get over it!

You cannot go on blaming President Obama and the Democrats for Gov Mitt Romney's lose last week! It is preposterous to assume that because Obama played dirty that the GOP lost the presidential election. Even if he did, who cares? the game is over!
 All along, you so-called pundits didn't support Romney the way the Democrat party supported President Obama. Through thick and think, the Democrat party stood with Obama. They protected him regardless of the circumstances. Even when scandal after scandal rocked the party and threatened Obama's reelection efforts, the party stood with him.
You GOP holier than thou worthless, wrong all the time, so-called experts, did everything to discredit your candidate. When Democrats accused Romney of his wealth - a normal American thing i.e. to make money and live the American dreams - you idiots didn't stand with him, you sided with Democrats indirectly accusing Romney of not preparing to face criticism over his wealth. Since when did making money in America a wrong thing?
Instead of concentrating on the Obama and Biden gaffes, you chose to take jabs at Romney's own gaffes. And when Democrats stepped up their attacks on Bain Capital and demanding that Romney release his taxes for the last ten years with unfounded criticisms, you idiots didn't stand with him, you accused him of not doing so. Why mourning Obama's victory? He won, get over it!

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