
Saturday, November 10, 2012

GOP and Conservative pundits just don't get it

Republican pundits just don't get it! Last week's defeat wasn't because GOP stood for something that Americans don't want. In fact, Gov Romney won half of the national votes - a sign that half of Americans didn't want to live the next four years with Barrack Obama as their president. Obama and the Democrats should thank the Electoral College; a system they tried to eliminated since Bush defeated Al Gore in 2000. Last election's indicators were extremely unpredictable, and polls had it all wrong, but the core indicators were simply obvious. The Democrat party defeated GOP based on the following issues: race, immigration, gender, and demagoguery. 

The Democrat voters in my own state of Virginia represent the entire Obama base. More than 90 % of blacks voted for Obama in Virginia, leaving no room to assume that their vote wasn't racial. The same would be said of Romney if 94% of white voters voted for him. In politics, there's no room for coincidences. Blacks see Obama as a black man who deserves their support no matter how terrible their living conditions are under his leadership. At times, president Obama used race when he is vulnerable, but it is the GOP is being accused of racism. 
So it is a myth, in my opinion, that GOP never reached out to the Black community. Even if they did, blacks wouldn't change their vote. In 2008, the president of the Republican party was a black man - Mr. Michael Steel. He did a wonderful job with the party, but all he got from black leaders and the Democrats were "personal attacks". 
Traditionally, African Americans vote overwhelmingly Democrat, but since Obama ran in 2008, the entire black community went for him. The less than 5% who either voted for Gov Romney or refused to vote at all, were being attacked and called "suckers of the white masters", they were leveled all kinds of names for refusing to vote for a party whose policies are detrimental to the black community. African Americans over the past four years didn't hide their racist views toward white people. And the shocking thing is that society seemed to give them a pass simply because of their race. In other words, they are black therefore they cannot be racist. Blacks in Holly Wood even called Romney a NIGGER! And rapper JAYZ appeared at an Obama fundraiser and sung his "99 Problems" song, substituted the word BITCH for Mitt in that song. Somehow he got away with it because he is black. 
Sadly, black conservatives aren't given the same treatment. A coupel of years ago, a black Tea Party member was beaten up by union thugs at a rally in Florida; the media refused to cover it. And recently, blacks at Republican gatherings were trashed by the media; asking them questions such as - why are you here? as if blacks aren't allowed to think for themselves. 
As a matter of fact, Romney's plans would have created more jobs for the African American communities across the states compares to Obama's. Under Obama's leadership, the unemployment rate among blacks went up double digit. Why? Because blacks are blue collar workers and Obama's policies aren't friendly to this part of the working class. Instead of helping his people, Obama pumped in $90+ billion into the Green Energy which requires expert engineers, computer technicians etc. 
You can conclude the blacks support for Obama has nothing to do with the economy and jobs, but everything to do with his race, and it would be silly to believe that GOP should have done a better job reaching out to them. 

GOP leaders such as Sen. Marco Rubio and Mike Huckabee argue that the Republican party failed to attract Hispanics. I don't think its a fair argument. It's unfair to accuse Romney and his campaign when Hispanics' main desire in the past three elections is the "legitimization" of illegal immigrants many of them Hispanics. GOP must first violate the US constitution which levels illegals as criminals, before receiving the Hispanic support. 
Countries around the world have one thing in common - tough immigration law. Countries like Australia and NZ, or England and Israel, have stricter immigration laws. Those who violate these immigration laws are either imprisoned or deported. But in USA, the Democrat party calls these illegal immigrants - "undocumented workers" and refuse to punish them as required by the law. For years, the Democrat party is always on the side of "open border" and better treatment for illegal immigrants although Americans who enter Mexico without proper immigration papers are treated as criminals . President Obama and his administration leveled GOP as anti-immigrant; an apparent distortion of the truth. GOP stands for legal immigration as sanctioned by the US constitution. 
Recently the government of Arizona, passed an anti-illegal immigration law in an attempt to weed out illegals in Arizona and control the influx of illegal immigrants from across the US - Mexican border. The Obama administration instantly sued Arizona with an unusual claim - i.e. Arizona doesn't have the right to create laws that supersedes federal authority. A judge upheld the law, but "stayed" the section that gives the police the authority to ask for proof of residence. The Obama administration also sued other states that passed similar laws. This gives Hispanics the impression that Obama cares about them. 
Thus, it is wrong for these GOP leaders to assume that Hispanics voted for Obama because Romney and GOP failed to reach out to them. Rubio knows that there are only two ways to get the Hispanic support: 1. pardon all Hispanic illegal aliens in US, which would be a violation of the federal law 2. Removing every US border agents from the US- Mexico border and removing the label "illegal immigrants". Both options are not legally sound, but guess who's doing it, the Democrat party and President Obama. In fact, Obama issued an executive order to make illegal immigrant kids legal - knowing full well it won't hold out in Congress if brought to congress for a vote, but the bait has already been taken and Obama got what he needed; the Hispanic support. 
Besides, 75% of Hispanics live in California - a blue (Democrat) state, the rest spread across the country. 
In fact, Rubio never mentioned that fact that his people, the Cuban Hispanics, voted overwhelmingly for Gov Romney. 

President Obama and the Department of Health implemented a new law - one of the many requirements under Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) - that requires religious organizations to provide abortion and contraceptive pills to women. It is a clear violation of the religious rights of religious groups such as the Catholic church. There was an instant black lash, which Obama didn't expect, but the Obama administration called the religious protest a WAR AGAINST WOMEN despite the fact that this new law was an apparent invasion of religious freedom of Americans. The Obama administration claims that GOP doesn't care about the rights of women when they know very well no one is violating the rights of women in this debate. Women aren't denied contraceptive pills; these pills are available everywhere and women can buy them for $9 at vendors around the country! But the lies and distortions worked. Women turned out in numbers to support Obama. 

Demagogue - defines:
"...a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing 
 the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people" ( 
Demagoguery is the art of manipulating one's emotions to gains power. President Obama and the Democrat party are good at this. They made history in the last four years by waging one of the worst campaigns in US by a major party. Historians leveled this year's presidential election, the nastiest in recent memory. 
For instance, Obama and the Democrats' response to the Tea Party protest against the overhaul of the American healthcare system without a single vote from the Republican party, was extremely nasty. They called these innocent citizens, most of them old people, radical extremists, yet they refused to call those who attacked Americans overseas and here in the States, terrorists, let alone "extremists". In fact, Obama's first order of business was banning the use of term "War Against Terror", or simply "terrorist". They refused even mention the word "terrorists", yet they leveled these innocent Americans who were merely exercising their constitutional rights to protest, radical extremists. 
When Ryan released the GOP budget in an attempt to save medicare and social security, the Democrat party and its PAC released this video of a Ryan looking fella throwing grandma over the cliff! 

This level of demagoguery is unbelievable. The notion that blacks who don't support Obama are nothing but slaves, or the notion that if a Church refuses to give out contraceptive pills to its femal congregation is an art of war against women, or how about this: if you vote GOP they'll take you back to the stone age... this is unbelievable. This is why this country is so divided today than anytime since integration period. It is because the Liberal Democrats, instead of talking issues, decided to take a different route - painting their opponents as demons. But it worked for Obama. Voters turned out to support him and when asked why they did that, they cited these issues! Should GOP abandon its principles and values just to win an election? God forbid! 
The level of misinformation you see on this video is unbelievable, but it worked for Obama, if you demagogue your opponents, and paint them as something other than what they are, people will believe you. This is exactly what Obama and the Democrat did this past election season. Noticed that women in video believed everything they were told or saw on TV. I wonder if these women realized the reason why they were there is because no one took their rights away. The notion that they would lose their rights if Romney was elected came out of the Democrat's campaign to paint Romney and Ryan as radicals. I guess Obama forgot his own words in 2008 about painting opponents and distorting their records.

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