
Monday, November 5, 2012

7 Reasons why Obama should be worried

7 Reasons why Obama Should be Panicked! 
  1. 43% of White Americans voted for President Barrack Hussein Obama in 2008 ( Since becoming president, Whites saw him as a man who loves to play the "race" card for political reasons. And earlier in the year, Democrat party told NY Times they are not going after the White working class. This is confirmed by polls that showing Whites moving toward Romney. 
  2. President Obama also won the vote of single, widowed, unmarried women by 70% and about 50% of married woman in 2008 presidential election. This year, after doing his best to pleased the ever complaining American women, polls showing Romney leading 49 - 41% among women in general (Rasmussen Reports).
  3. Likely voters - people who are more likely to vote tomorrow - breaks for Romney 49 - 48%. Shows that the number of extremely motivated and determined voters favored Romney (gallup). 
  4. Economic Confidence is still very high. 70% of Americans aren't confident in the economy (gallup), thus, rich people don't invest their money for lack of confidence in health and future of the US economy. 
  5. Battlegrounds not doing well economically in the last four years. For instance, Pennsylvania, there's a huge blue-color effort to elect Romney because they believe that he is the only savior of the coal industry there, so as West Virginia. Obama won these two states handily back in 2008. Rasmussen has Obama and Romney tied in critical battle states of Ohio and Wisconsin.
  6. Strong electoral watchdogs this year which means that fraudulent ballots will be thrown away making Democrats extremely worried. Just last week, names Adolf Hitler appeared on a ballot form, it was discarded. 
  7. Obama's base support in the Northeast is crucial but it will be a tough task getting people who are affected by Hurricane Sandy to vote. The Hurricane hits cities that Obama's counting on such as New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Long Island etc. It will take a miracle for Obama to score high in a region where millions of people are still crying out for help. 

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