
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Romney won this first debate

After all the smart talks and personal attacks, President Barrack Obama left the ring bleeding and half conscious. This is a huge victory for Gov Mitt Romney whom political pundits had been grilling since becoming the Republican Party's nominee. Gov Romney entered the room with his bare knuckles. He exceeded everyone's expectations, memorizing his data, rebutting accusations with 3 points rebuttals, and specifically and professionally explaining his positions on economic issues. 
President Obama tried so hard to go after Gov Romney on economic issues, but fell flat. Gov Romney knows more about the economy and supply-side economics, and answered most of the questions with a smile. President Obama, on the other hand, appeared restless, looking down most of the time, paused for a long time, and in most cases appeared uninformed on many issues.

Gov Romney's strongest rebuttal points:
1. President Obama attacked Romney by claiming that Romney's plan will increase deficit by $5 trillion .
Romney shot back, "I didn't propose that". He also cited other studies contrasted this specific study Obama referred to. That was effective in my view. 

2. On Healthcare. Obama claimed Gov Romney's healthcare in Massachusetts is the same as his Affordable Care (ACA). 
Gov Romney shot back by outlining five specific contrasting points. President Obama didn't argue further. 
3. President Obama also attacked Gov. Romney of funding multi-million dollar corporations like oil companies such as Exxon Mobile (2.5 billion subsidies). 
Gov Romney replied that Obama gave $90 billion to the Green Sector but whining about the $2.5 billion oil companies received in subsidy. He argues that bringing down the 35% corporate tax to 25%, the $2.5 billion will be wiped out. Obama smirked at him and off course, many interpreted that as a man who didn't know what to say. 
4. President Obama claimed Romney will bankrupt Medicare and Social security by using voucher system. 
Gov Romney rebutted this claim by pointing to the fact that under Obamacare aka Affordable Care Act (ACA), $716 billion will be taken out from medicare to pay for Obamacare, essentially destroying the these programs. Obama appeared confuse. 
5. On education. Obama attacked Romney, claiming his plans will screw up public education. 
Gov Romney pointed to his record in Massachusetts. His success in MA couldn't be challenged. 

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