
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Benghazi Scandal - Obama Can't Answer the Questions

President Barrack Hussein Obama has been avoiding major news organizations since September 11, 2012. Since the attack on a US outpost in Benghazi, Libya, on the anniversary of 9/11, the general public had been kept in the dark about the real cause of the attack. Even when evidence surfaced that suggested the Obama administration failed to protect these American diplomats, Obama still refusing to talk to the nation. And since there, what is now clear is an apparent attempt to coverup the truth by the president and his trusted officials.
Just last week, a string of correspondence between the US officials in Benghazi and the US government - people who are responsible for US missions overseas and important offices such as the Pentagon, the State Department - was leaked to the media. These incriminating emails validate the already brewing public suspicion that the Obama administration is hiding something important. Still, he refuses to speak or address the nation. However, when he was in Colorado, he chose to appear in an interview with 9News (a TV station not broad-casting nationally) hoping the entire nation wouldn't scrutinize it the same way they would if he appeared on CNN or ABC. But in this age of "social networking", his own lies surfaced on the internet. He probably condemned himself for deciding saying things that were available to the nation in matter of minutes. President Obama had obviously been coached on how to deflect questions. He seemed to memorize what to say, and in this appearance, he said many things but the right answer(s) to the right question(s).

9News Asked the Right Questions

Mr. President, lets begin with the news of the day. Were the Americans under attack at the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, denied request for help during that attack, and is it fair to tell Americans that what happened is under instigation and we all find out what happened after the election? 

 President Obama
"Well, the election has nothing to do with four brave Americans getting killed and us wanting to find out exactly what happened. These are folks who served under me that I had sent to some very dangerous places, nobody wants to find out more what happened than I do. But we wanna make sure that we get it right, particularly because i have made a commitment to the families impacted as well as the American people. ..."

 Were they denied request for help during the attack? 

President Obama
 Well, we are ... we are finding out exactly what happened. I can tell you, as I've said over the last uh uh couple of months since this happened, that the minute i find out what was going on, I gave three very clear directives; number 1 - Make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to; number 2 - We gonna investigate exactly what happened to make sure its doesn't happen again; Number 3 - Find out who did this so we can bring him to justice.

First Question was whether the request by Americans who were being attacked at Benghazi denied. Second Question was whether its fair to tell Americans what actually happened, or should they wait till after the election.
President Obama jumped to the politics of the circumstances, claiming that politics has nothing to do with the attack on Benghazi. This answer is an apparent attempt to deflect  the question; an attempt to sway the audience to something other than the real issue. The reporter didn't even ask whether politics got something to do with it. If he thinks that the prolonging investigation isn't to help him through, he is indeed living in a fantasy world. 
He also claimed that he wanted to get to the bottom of this, but he ran off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas, laughing and smiling with voters a day after the attack. He then went on to attend other fundraising events with multi-millionaire celebrities. This move, off course, infuriated some Democrat supporters, including Democrat pundits who have been defending him all over the country. The words simply didn't match his action and the reporter failed to follow up. There's no commitment to the victims' families on the part of this president other than showing up to witness the arrival of the dead Americans and to speak to the families. Commitment should proceed suspension of his campaign, and calling for a national day of prayer to honor the dead diplomat and brave CIA officers who went, in defiance of order to stand down, and died with him. He did not do any of that.
When the reporter sensed that the first question wasn't answered or adequately addressed, he asked him again. Notice the uneasiness and the uncertainty in President Obama's voice. He was cornered, but this is what he and other politicians do  - telling lies  when cornered and use their surrogates to clean up the mess. Politicians see their lies as just "non-truths". His is the man who called his opponent a flip-flopper but when asked why he'd changed his mind on "marriage" and "samesex" right, he replied : I "evolved" on these issues. 
The reporter asked "were they denied request during the attack, " President Obama almost choked on his own words which seemed to imply he didn't want to talk about it. Obama replied that "We" - maybe referring to investigators - gonna find out exactly what happened. What? Those of us who have been following the coverage of this incident know very well that he lied about it. New evidence now surfaced that live-feed of the attack was viewed by the White House, the Pentagon, and State Department from drones flying over that area during the attack. To imply that he still doesn't know what went down that night is simply surreal. 
According to the president, these are the three things he did the moment he learned of the attack on US embassy and CIA safe-house in Benghazi:
1. Make sure that all embassies are secured. There were attacks on US embassies all over the world, the worst was in Egypt where radical Muslim brotherhood supporters scaled the walls, pulled down the US flag, burned int into ashes and raised the Al Qeada flag. Instead of being firm on the Egyptian government, he let them set the standard, while continuously apologizing for the video that nobody even saw! 
2. We gonna investigate exactly what happened and make sure it doesn't happen again. Really? He knew what was going on; he doesn't need to investigate it. There was an immediate effort to blame a video instead of terrorists, and he spent his time pushing that agenda. He blamed the video when addressing the media and the American people the day after the attack; his secretary of State blamed the video in speeches she made; his administration also spent $70,000 in an ad in Pakistan blaming the video and explaining why the video existed. Even when his own anti-terrorist specialist appeared before the House Oversight Committee and told these leaders and the American people that the attack was a "terrorist attack", Obama's own appointed Ambassador to the UN went on five TV networks and blamed the videos for the killing of the US diplomat. He himself went to the United Nations General Assembly two weeks later and blamed the video maker for instigating the Muslim uprising. These are deliberate efforts to airbrush the truth. He, as experts suggested, is trying to downplay the notion that the same people he had helped armed and liberated from Qadafi had turned their American weapons against US diplomat and citizens. His answers are far from the truth! 
3. Find out who did this and bring them to justice. President Obama thinks Americans are so dumb they don't know the truth, there's a reason why Obama's foreign policy poll dropped significantly. Even his gaffe-prone Vice President - Joe Biden - gave the same question during his debate against GOP candidate Paul Ryan. Contrary to the prior testimony of US officials who admitted to have watched the attack on live-feed and admitted to have denied the request for security increase in Benghazi, Biden, said they that the administration didn't know anything. Either he memorized the written answer from the White House, or he was completely unaware of such congressional hearing. Either way, both of them lied (deliberately or not) to the American people. The following clips will demonstrate that President Obama knew exactly what happened and chose to lie about it. 
First, take a look at what Obama said as he took credit for the killing of Osama Bin Laden. As Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces, this is how things are, and it is highly unlike that President Obama didn't know what was going on in Benghazi. 
Click the photo to view the original 

Military Expert: It was a terrorist Act

Were the requests by these dying Americans denied by the Obama administration? Lamb questioned about the allegation that there were requests to increase security in Benghazi, and each time they were denied.

Update: Someone leaked (maybe from the Obama administration) leaked the following information: there were requests sent to the administration and CIA for assistance during the course of the attack, three times the requests were rejected and people who were at the UN safehouse  were told to "stand down". This scandal is huge, Obama and his agents in the media are working so hard to suppress or ignore these important leaks.

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