
Friday, July 27, 2012

Obama Undermines Israel's Right to Jerusalem

This video is going viral on youtube, giving every viewer unique glimpse into Obama's truest feeling about Israel. According to "The Amateur" - a book examining the pre-2008 and post-2008 Obama, Obama thought that undermining US global strength and Israel's right to Jerusalem would gain favor with the Muslim world. That ideology is extremely dangerous! 
The book clearly explains Obama's attempt to reshape the politics of the Middle East, including undermining the only US truest ally, Israel. He had not visited Israel since taking office in 2009 and he demonstrated over and over again, in many of his comments, his dislike for Israel. 
This is the spokeswoman for the State Department - equivalent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - refusing to call Jerusalem the capital city of Israel. As a spokeswoman, her responsibility is to parrot words from the top, who received direct instructions from the White House as to how to approach certain foreign  issues. Her refusal to explain the Obama administration's position on Jerusalem is indeed scary, adding yet another reason why President Obama should not be given a second term. He should vacate the White House come November, 2012, presidential election. 
Israel is a sovereign state and its capital city is Jerusalem.
President Obama must decide whether to embrace Hamas and Fatah or the Democratic state of Israel. 

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