
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

RE: Solomon Islands D-relationship with Russia

Solomon Islands' is know for chosing its friends in the world based on money. It happened in 2000 when Manasseh Sogavare became prime minister of Sololomons - he asked Taiwan for $400 million to meet the demands of the warrying factions. When Taiwain refused, Sogavare dropped Taiwan like a hot potato. He then signed an agreement with China then sent a team to Beijing to ask for money but all that China gave them was just a "handshake". Sogavare quickly dropped China and renewed Solomon Islands' relationship with Taiwan with a $40 million handshake.
In 2006 after Sogavare came to power, he signed a deal with communist Cuba in exchange for education and medical benfits. A team of Cuban medical experts visited Solomon Islands and a dozen Solomon Islanders arrived in Cuba to study various medical fields.

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