
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Liberalism - Socialism vs. Conservative in UK

What is going on in United Kingdom is a clear demonstration of how intolerant the LEFT are when it comes to tackling major economic issues. Iam a conservative and I believe - like my fellow conservatives - that the only way to tackle the economic problems across the globe is to end social welfare system where ever it exists.
One of the major reasons why UK's far-left nutheads extremely pissed is the Conservative pledge to end social welfare in UK. Like Athens and Paris, UK has a humongous social welfare system that sucks in billions of dollars in non-revenue generating programs. Conservatives were elected in UK - with the backing of Liberals coalition - to clean up the economic mess left behind by previous Liberal governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, two of the most outrageous spending freaks in UK history (my opinion). The first major reform that the Cameron's Conservative government wanted to do is cutting benefits on areas that can thrive without or with limited government subsidy, and the unions hit back with nothing constructive but CHAOS and ANARCHY!
They got on their Cellphones and text each other: HEY LETS BURN DOWN LONDON!! These are the truest characteristics of Liberalism - intolerance and violence.

Crisis and Liberalism
But off course, the FAR LEFT - of any country - loves chaos because this is how they get their words across. In many instances, Liberalism and Socialism worked hand-in-hand to bring down powerful countries, and yes, in many instances, Liberals don't win any face-to-face argument. For instance, the mayor of the city of Chicago and former President Clinton and President Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel explained how Liberals see crisis:

Emmanuel explaining how Liberals (far-left) view crisis.

Mayor Emmanuel explains - in many ways utters in its pure form the Liberal's approach to crisis - that a crisis gives leaders the opportunity to do things that they couldn't before. While many pays attention to the argument he puts forward in that clip, such as the failure of the various industries precipitated from years of failed policies which gave the government the opportunity to do something that would have, his opening remarks shows just how the FAR left sees crisis and chaos. Exploitation of crisis for the benefit of the State. In other words, those who believe in such ideology are bunch of Statists. They believe that the government should govern not the country but individuals.
The irony of that is that Liberals only see "violence, chaos or crisis" as a good mission only when it benefits their course. For instance, he Obama administration and the Democrat leaderships have leveled "Tea-partiers" as "terrorists" for protesting peacefully in the capital (no cars destroyed, no house burned, no confrontation with the police etc.), but when riots broke out in Egypt and Libya, Obama and his supporters came out publicly denounced the government of Egypt and telling these rioters "we understand why you do this", or something to that effect. So if you are a LEFT WING using violent act against government, you are a hero!

Off course Conservatives have their own way of addressing social issues - through Tea-party gathering and what the FAR LEFT did was simply "demonizing" them. The truth is that every TP gathering had always peaceful. So is it because the Tea-partiers and their supporters didn't burn houses down therefore they are terrorists? The LEFT nutheads referred to the Tea-partiers as "terrorists" and "radicals", oooh really? Doesn't that a distortion and inversion of the true definition of the word "Terrorism"? Is meeting and peacefully demonstration against federal intrusion on their privacy changes in government policies the new definition of the word "Terrorism"? Doesn't make any sense, does it?

The riots in France, Greece, and UK are driven by Liberal leftists whose socialistic agenda had been challenged by the incoming Conservative governments. The same can be said of the Union protesters who stormed the government house in Wisconsin and violently attacking counter-protesters, in response to massive cuts in their government subsidized benefits. This is a classic example of why Socialism, embodied in Liberalism, and its failure in the Western world. It is a fact that when a government pumps in millions and even billions of dollars on none-revenue generating social programs to please the mass - and in order to fulfill the LEFT socialistic utopia where workers should share revenue regardless of work efforts and qualification - that government is bound to fail. For instance, a massive train system was built and used to transport people for FREE during the Olympic, and up to this day that subway is still in full operational mode for FREE. In other words, since 2000 Olympic, the people have used this subway transport system for free until today: In my estimation that government may have lost billions and even trillions of dollars just to keep this transportation working. Make it worse, Athens had been rioting because of higher employment and economic crisis, but how a welfare nation expected to rise above the mess? And how is that for a socialist utopia of living in a fair and free society?

In France, the Conservative government of Nickolas Sarkozy proposed an extension of the retirement age by a single year or two in order to counter France's massive deficit and debt, but that infuriated the left, esp. unions. The FAR LEFT rallied, and cars burned, building torched and stores looted. This is the FAR left radical approach to social and economic issues. Use force to exploit economic crisis for their own benefits not the benefit of the people and what many protesters do is that they make life extremely miserable for themselves.

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