
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Qadafi's Final Strategy

After weeks of rioting and military assault on protesters throughout Libya, Muammar Qadafi, the military leader who rules the nation of Libya for the past four decades, now trying every single way to hold on to power, no clear solution within reach. But his latest move maybe a poison to the Western world, especially the United States, and it would be interesting to see if the West buys it.

Just a couple of days ago, Qadafi claimed that Al Qeada is behind all the uprisings in Libya and threatened to kill those who are fighting against his regime. While many people frowned up such unbelievable claims, some people in United States already made comments as if Qadafi's statement is indeed true.

It will take years to prove his claim valid, but for now, the claim is a mere bait. Since the uprising through the ME and Northern Africa, no Arab leaders keen on calling for a UN Resolution to condemn these violence because the Arabs are split on this cancerous uprising which started out of Tunisia. To some Arabs, government in Muslim nations such as Egypt, Bahrain (home to the US navy in the Gulf), Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and now Libya, are Western puppets. They want to see these dictators leave so that the Muslims established what they called the "Caliphate" of the Islamic order, or Muslim dominant government that should unite the world under Islamic rule. This was the case with the pro-democratic uprising of Iran in the 80s when many people thought to be a "pro-democratic uprising" only to become an Islamic Republic where Sharia is the rule of law.

However, it is a whole different story in Qadafi's playbook. He is not calling on Arabs' assistance but trying to play games with the Western nations who depend much on his oil reserves.

Seeing his support within the military and civil society dwindled, he hired mercenaries from nearby countries to do his dirty work; targeting, assassinating, and murdering protesters in cold blood. He then announcing that if the uprising continue squeezing his regime's life to the end, he would burn the oil fields. And then he claimed that Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qeada network are behind the ongoing uprising in Libya and bows to crash them eve if it means, massacring his own people.

While experts in conflict and resolution around the world may take Qadafi's word to mean he is just a desperate man who wants attention, some already shown interest in this. In US, experts now fearing Al Qeada may take hold of Libya in a post Qadafi era. Nothing more fearful to US terrorist experts than an unstable nation in Northern Africa that is a few steps away from Europe and the Western world.

How valid are Qadafi's statements? It is hard to verify whether his claims are based on intelligence collected in the cause of the insurrection, or whether he just bluffing to gain Western attention. However, the US government fears that if Osama Bin Laden finds himself a new home other than the region loyal to his cause, between Afghanistan and Pakistan, more trouble for the West would follow suit. But to this point, no experts is able to pinpoint exactly where OBL is and whether his network is really behind such uprising.

If the West takes this claim seriously, Libya may be the only country where military intervention maybe eminent for obvious reason. The oil price soared in the West, esp. in US, and the stability of Libya and the nearby European nation may be predicated upon Libya's stability. If a civil war broke out, Europe may see a serious hike in oil prices and security and leaders may scrambled to find a solution before things got out of hands.

I hope Qadafi doesn't do what the PLO was doing in the past; PLO agents were sent to attack European targets and US citizens in order to get support for its cause. It is more likely that Qadafi could resort to such if the West ignores his plea. Besides his brutal and autocratic regime's history of suppression of Libyans' rights and freedom, its his oil and the security of the West that are at stake. It will take the leader of US, UK, and France to instigate an intervention using NATO. Whether this thing will materialize or not, it is just a matter of time.

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