
Monday, January 24, 2011

Some Work Hard, Others Don't but Pay More!

The biggest problem, in my opinion, about the Western world is the fact that there are are snobs who get paid for doing nothing and the hardworking class who work too hard and achieved little. Show more skin and you get paid more than those who have Masters and PhD in their respective areas of expertise. It sickens me because this is highway to moral decline in the US.

I've watched celebrities talked about political issues and just marveled at how dumb they are. I mean, I don't know everything but the political issues that make up the day to day news in America are simply easy to comprehend. Amazed me when majority don't even know their political leaders, what Conservatives and Liberals stand for etc. But looking at their pay-checks; they earned more than our politicians and many hardworking business people.

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