
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Renbel Constituencies Need to Reduce

Solomon Islands is a small country with a very weak economy, a result of decades of social instability and corruption. The value of our dollar had been reduced, trade and export reduced, and now we are surviving primarily on foreign aid money. However, there is one thing that is growing steadily; the bureaucracy of the central government and provincial governments. The impact of this huge economic downturn, which also brings about astounding inflation, on our province is indeed catastrophic. We can't go on pretending that things are okay.

The solution to this is to reduce the number of bureaucracy and in my view we should also reduce the number of Wards in our province. This will save tens of thousands of dollars in the next few years and perhaps to develop our province.

Breakdown of the Constituencies:
Rennell Island
Ward 1-Tegano, Ward 2-East Central, Ward 3-West Central, Ward 4- West Rennell.
Bellona Island
Ward 5--East Bellona and Ward 6--West Bellona.

These six constituencies should be enough to take our province forward. Our province will save enough money if we do this, but just how practical this idea is is quite another story. But I believe that this is the only solution to the stagnancy we are experiencing today in terms of development.

We need new ideas!

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