
Monday, January 18, 2010

Why Republicans are Wrong about Senate Race in Massachusetts

Scott Brown is the only hope of defeating the President Obama and the Democrat party's unpopular health-care. Democrats have sent renowned leaders such as former Bill Clinton and President Obama to speak on behalf of Coakley, but it maybe a little too late. On the other hand, the Republican candidate (Brown) will be voted into to turn the Health-care bill around for unhappy Democrats in Massachusetts. But then the Republican party may be underestimating what the Democrats and the Liberal people of Massachusetts will do to the Republican Senator (if Brown won). After choking-out the Healthcare bill, which is currently in the negotiation process, the Republican Senator will rule as a Democrat or a Liberal then on. Means that he will fighting on behalf of Independents and the Liberals in policies created by the Republican party. He will be a pain in the future for the Republican party.

Republicans that Vote like Democrats
In the US political two party system, being a Republican or a Democrat is just a name. It is a name in a sense that their political affiliation identifies who they are and their political views. However, the real identity of politicians, whether Reps or Senators, is that which gravitates toward the desires of the Constituents who hold the power at the poll. It is also true that a State or a precinct dominated by a certain party don't always vote the way that party expected. The real indicator or game changer here is the voter and how that voter reacted to a "government policy". It takes government policies to sway voters from committed Democrats to Republican. These are few examples:

Hawaii (Democrats): Hawaii is a Stated runs by the Democrat ever since the state was created in the late 50s. But its State governments (Democrats) experienced a severe economic crisis over the years; job-lost occurred at an alarming rate, and inflation rose put Hawaii at the top on the most expensive states in the United States. When election day came, a virtually unknown figure, Linda Lingle, former Mayor of Maui, contested for the office of the Governor as a Republican candidate. She stole Hawaii for the Republicans; a huge victory for the Republican Party with the votes of Democrats and Independents. Since taking office, Gov. Lingle is running Hawaii as a Liberal because majority of the Voters are Liberal Democrats.

California (Democrats): The beautiful state of California had been through some of the worst economic problems never before seen under the leadership of the Democrat State party for years. Facing higher deficit and worst economic conditions, voters turned out at the poll on election day to elect the Republican candidate, Gov. Arnold Swazzernigger who now tasked with cleaning up California States' deficit.
He had been running California as a Liberal Democrat with his environmental policies and other policies influenced by the majority of voters who are Liberal Democrats.

Lousiana 2nd Congressional District (New Orleans: Democrats): After serving 9 terms (18 years) in the House of Representative, William Jennings Bill Jefferson, was charged with official corruption when FBI found $90,000.00 hid inside his Refrigerator. Democrats abandoned the Democrats and threw their support behind the Republican candidate Anh Joseph Cao. Rep. Cao defeated Rep. Jefferson by about 50% of the votes.
He is the first Republican to fill in this seat since 1890. This historical record of about 180 years was broken by voters because of their dissatisfaction over Rep. Jefferson's corruption.
Since winning by the Democrats voters, Rep. Cao has been doing favors for his constituents. He doesn't represent the core values of the Republican party and when the Republican fought hard to block the Democrats Health-care House Bill, he voted along the Democrats.
These are examples of Republicans voting and doing things to please their Liberal Democrats voters!
If Mr. Brown won this Election, he will be a good relief for a short time and a head-ache to the Republicans for as long as he is there representing the most Bluest of all Democratic States.

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