
Saturday, September 5, 2009

NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan

The NATO air-strike against two hijacked fuel tankers just outside of an area where German troops station, has fueled anger amongst Afghans and gave opponents of the war in Europe and United States reasons to call for the end of the war. But I don't think this instance should be used as a strong argument to thwart efforts by NATO to contain Taliban fighters in that area.
The Taliban hijacked the tankers in an effort to either supply fuels to their soldiers, or to use them as suicide missiles against the NATO force, or the German troops camping nearby. But there is more to that in my view. At a place where anyone can be a potential threat or a potential terrorist and in a country where allegiance to tribal leadership and war lords is paramount, as some have shown in the past, it is near impossible to determine whether those killed and injured in this air-strike are (were) innocent Afghans. The fact that they gathered around this tankers, whether to get fuel or not, demonstrated their knowledge of who the hijackers were, and the fact that they didn't show fear of the Taliban who cut off fingers of those who voted in the recent Afghan presidential election, is also disturbing.
This instance will fuel anti-war activists now and on, but the truth of the matter is, the Taliban is been successful in their attempt to disrupt the election. And even if the election was carried out successfully, the number of Afghans who were murdered, maimed, by way of assassination, suicide bombing, and ambush is great. The recent bombing of by NATO is absolutely necessary to show the Taliban, NATO is not a force you can play dice with.

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