
Sunday, August 16, 2009

"10 Free Seats for Women" Clause in the Bill? WTF?

Get this people, the Radio NZ International had been quoted by the, saying that:

Solomon Islands is to ask political parties to guarantee a proportion of candidates will be women by the country’s next election.(

I thought this is a settled issue esp when the Press Sec. for the Prime Minister came out and said that the government is not going to consider this anymore in the upcoming election. The outgoing Governor General Sir. Nathaniel Waena also expressed his opinion on this issue that he felt anything undemocratic in relation to the issue of 10 Free Seats for women, should not be considered. But what is strange about this is the fact that this government seemed more secretive and determined about this issue. The fact that the Media doesn't talk about it lately, makes me wonder if this government secretly, or working behind closed doors to insert women in Parliament. It seemed that this government inserted, without proper consideration or consultation, this clause in the Political Party Integrity bill.
But this is not it, it is ludicrous that the international media would talk about this other than our own. Besides, since when Political Parties guaranteeing who should and shouldn't be Parliamentarians? Solomon Islanders have the right to elect their political leaders (MPs) and they are the ones guaranteeing who should be parliamentarians, not the political parties, not the damn Prime Minister, and not in anyone in the top of the nations political hierarchy. Its the people.
The news article continues:

Prime Minister Derek Sikua says there is now a clause in the draft Political Parties Integrity Bill, which would ensure that at least 10 percent of candidates would be women.

There is a clause? this article claimed that the proposal was abandoned, but what it didn't mention was the reason(s) why this government abandoned it. This proposal didn't sit well with the Solomon Islands people simply because the Women movement in SI wanted to changed the democratic nature of our election by fighting to insert Female into Solomon Islands' Parliament without the electoral process. This is why this government abandoned it, but if it is true that this government inserted a clause in the "Political Parties Integrity Bill" that aimed at helping women elected in 2010, then I am pretty sure that the storm will again raging once the people of Solomon Islands realize how this government gambles over their political and democratic rights. Dr. Sikua also told the RNZI;

“We hope that in the forthcoming elections in 2010 that some women will get through the party ticket. With party support and backing, I’m almost sure that we will have women representation in parliament come the 2010 elections." (Dr. Sikua quoted by the RNZI)

It is not a function of government to help a particular gender get elected by in anyway. Whether by asking Political parties to "guarantee" their entrance to Parliament, or by making it legal for women to enter Parliament without the electoral process. It is as sickening as the PEC proposal to award spouses of MPs, $50,000 a year, that our leaders don't think about the whole picture but their own benefits. This Feminism movement is not only dangerous for our country, it is setting bad precedents to other groups of people who may want the same or similar rights as our women, namely the gay-rights, Polygamists, Polygynists etc.
Dr. Sikua's government must follow the rule of law, the Constitution and have every able contestant, female and male, gay and straight, go to the poll on election day and follow the same road to Parliament. There shouldn't be any shortcuts, favoritism, or sexism on election day! There shouldn't be any discrimination against anyone or any orientation on national election day. This is what our Constitution stands for and this is what we and our leaders should adhere to!

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