
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why are Whites being Bullied by Blacks Today?

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Why are Americans so afraid of discussing race? It is simple; they are struggling with the sins of their forefathers, and in the process of trying to move on from it, racism takes on a different form. Racism is no longer associated itself with whites but with the black people. Even when a colored man becomes the President of the United States of America, Americans themselves are miles away from putting racial issues to rest.

The recent arrest of Harvard Professor, Gates, by a white police officer should have been an isolated incident had not the president of United States weighed in. He called the white police officer who arrest Mr. Gates as "acted stupidly" but did so after confessing to the White House press-corp that he didn't know all the facts about the showdown between the cop and his friend. The fact that he knows the professor personally, compromises his objective view of the police officer's conduct, let alone the entire country's police force. The backlash is enormous and the President and his media agents are now doing the "damage-control".

It is important to know, however, that this president firmly believes that Whites are racists. All his mentors have one thing in common, they hate(d) White America. As a man groomed to hate America, President Obama, with his own little style of communication, often danced around direct questions on race. He never, at anytime, gave a straight answer to a question over race. Following this backlash, the President appeared to backtrack from his comments, but never even been admitted that that he was wrong in acccusing the Police officer without knowing the factts. He admitted that he should have phrased his statements in a better way, but came short of apologizing to the Cambridge Police department and those who put their lives on the line to control law and order in the country. One thing is clear from this incident is that the President would and wont apologize when it comes to race. Sources said that President Obama's political advisers forced him to make this statement, whether it is true or not, it was important for the president to back-track from his statements. The one thing that White Americans are still waiting for is the words "I'm sorry!" Part of his effort to quell the public outrage, is that he invited the Police officer and his friend Mr. Gates to the White House for a beer, but the damage had already been done. Everyone knows that it is preposterous for the leader of this great country to accuse white Police officers of being biased against Latinos and black men which is not true.

I believe that the real victim of this whole saga is the innocent 9/11 caller who later appeared and told of how she was treated by the media, public, and Obama lovers since the saga blew out of proportion. She was being called a racist even though her call to 9/11 is exactly what every citizen should do when they see a burglary in progress. It is rather sad that people would turn against her when she did nothing wrong and ignored the very fact that President himself is biased against Whites in his press-appearance. Imagine if former president Bush said that in front of the media. He would have been torn to pieces by the media, but they (Media and the rest of the country) are willing to let go simply because he is "black".

Back to the racial tension in this country. I believe that the Whites, despite being the dominant race in America, have been discriminated against by minorities in many instances. There is a general feeling amongst non-Whites, led by crazy activists such as Mr. El Sharpton and Mr. Jessy Jackson and other activists, that since the ancestors of White Americans (of today) enslaved black people, they (Whites) must be go on paying for the price of the liberty of colored people for the rest of their lives. Meaning that "whites" aren't allowed to say anything of racial implication or connotation, even if the White man's action is legal as with the arrest of Mr. Gates. This is a classic example of how Whites are being barred from saying anything of racial nature. Another case comes to mine is the case of Mr. Imus who lost his job after calling a black High School female basketball team as bunch of "nappy-headed whores". Mr. Imus was forced by Black activists out of his job. This white radio broadcaster of decades of experience became jobless after a single statement, and despite the fact that he said "IAM SORRY", he still lost his job.

The facts remain, racism which was associated, in history with White people, are now reversed; blacks are racists against Whites in may ways. The blacks and other minorities are allowed to get away with racial discrimination but not the White people. It is okay for Reverend Wright, Obama's Pastor of 20 years, to attack white people in church, but not okay for Mr. Imus to make a joke about the basketball team. It was okay for for Obama to accuse White Police officers of discriminating against Blacks and Latino, but not okay for the police officer to arrest Mr. Gates. It was okay for black Raps such as JayZ, Ludacris, Ice-Cube etc. to make millions of dollars exposing black young girls and calling them whores and sluts, and calling each other Niggers, but its not okay for a white man to make a joke about blacks. This is simply "reversed racism!"

Now that President Obama took over the White House, blacks should never talk about racism as the reason why they have not been advanced in many ways. Blacks in this country are more fortunate than blacks in any other country such as South Africa. As one of my friend's best buddy from South Africa who said that African Americans here never experienced what he experienced in South Africa as a young men in the days of the Apartheid system. He told my friend that African Americans must not blame Whites for their own misery as they have more opportunities and freedom here than his own people who came out of Apartheid in the 1990s.

In all, the way this poor woman is been treated shows that race will be here for a long time and I am hoping that this new generation gets over this mentality. What many people don't talk about is that there is huge generational gap between babyboomers, those who live through this "racial tension" (an others) and the young generation of today. Those who were born in the 40s,50s, 60s, still live with horrors of the Human-rights movements that led to the eventual integration of all races in places such as schools, churches, public transportations-buses, trains, plans, etc. In fact, young people today are more tolerant of race and are more willing to mingle and socialize with people of other races than any generation in the history of America, but with racial organizations established all around the country, it may take another 100 years to move away from racial issues completely. In the mean time, Whites will keep on facing discrimination, they will still pay for the sins of their forefathers which is indeed sad. And as long as black people let themselves led by radicals, their hatred of the White race will linger for a very long long time!

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